Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tag: Liberty Watch

Voters Must Not Let AI Muddy Modern-Day Political Waters

Artificial intelligence (AI) true believers think it’s the biggest and most important invention since fire.  For a program that treats “The Onion” as a...

Politicians Look To Insert Themselves Into Artificial Intelligence Advances

The rapid rise – in both hype and promise – of artificial intelligence (AI) has, naturally, captured the interest of the political class.  A new...

New Hampshire Legislators Target New Age Surveillance Methods

The Tenth Amendment Center’s Mike Maharrey reports that the New Hampshire Legislature has approved a bill that would “effectively ban warrantless police surveillance using...

Biden Takes Credit For Price Reductions At Major US Retailers

In what could quickly become a feature of this column, here is another scene from “how we know it’s an election year and the...

Biden’s Ohio Ballot Access Comes Down To Partisan Politics

People assume the major party presidential nominees will appear on every state’s November ballot. Why wouldn’t they? The nominees aren’t a secret, and the...

Biden’s Hail Mary Attempt At Lowering Gas Prices In An Election Year

One surefire way to tell it’s an election year, and the incumbent president is in trouble? Joe Biden answers both questions with a stunt for...

Politicians Are To Blame For Their Own Tough Electoral Prospects

Politicians don’t like inflation because inflation irritates voters, and few things are more terrifying to politicians looking to stay on the public payroll than...

Washington Aims To Protect Consumer Data From Companies Foreign And Domestic

Remember when our native political class was united behind the idea that the social media platform TikTok was such a threat to children, privacy,...

Incremental Changes Could Save Taxpayers Billions In Entitlements

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has released its 2024 annual report with the promising title of how the government can “reduce fragmentation, overlap, and...

What To Expect From The 2024 Presidential Debates

The 2024 presidential campaign provided its first genuine surprise recently, when the two presumptive major party nominees agreed to debate each other twice –...

Reports Shed Light On True Solvency Of Entitlement Programs

The trustees of the Social Security and Medicare systems have issued a new report on the financial health of their respective “trust funds.” As...

The Billion-Dollar Biofuel Fraud Epidemic

Governments have traditionally relied on a mixture of carrots and sticks to get people to obey laws or engage in (or avoid) certain behaviors. A...

Bipartisan Group Of Lawmakers Demands Resignation Of Agency Head

Few people give the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation much thought. But this federal agency plays a central role in the nation’s banking system, overseeing,...

Widespread Embrace Of Populist Policies Is Having Unintended Consequences

There are times when populist policies centered on tariffs that shield American companies from competition provide a useful, if entirely unintended, peek behind the...

