Pentagon Watch – Is Trump Responsible for Capitol Riot?

EYES ON THE PENTAGON – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers with the Pentagon Watch: Focusing on the changing dynamics, policies and ‘woke’ politics inside the Department of Defense (DoD). Get Your Best Daily Update on What DoD is Quietly Up-To in One Brief. Today’s PWB includes a […]

Ex-Police Officer Found Guilty in Fatal Shooting of Daunte Wright

A jury has found ex-Minnesota Cop Kim Potter guilty of first and second-degree manslaughter in the shooting death of Daunte Wright. Potter made international headlines when she shot Wright, 20, during a traffic stop in April after Wright attempted to flee. Potter maintained that she meant to Tazer Wright but shot him by mistake. Watch […]

How Amazon Increasingly Relies on Federal Law Enforcement

A new report in POLITICO details how the multinational tech giant Amazon uses the Justice Department and FBI to investigate employees suspected of fraud and abuse. Emily Birnbaum and Daniel Lippman report: The company has increasingly tipped off the Justice Department and FBI to investigate Amazon’s own employees and the sellers using its platform, according […]

Truck Driver’s 110-Year Sentence Sparks Outcry, Including From Judge

A 110-year prison sentence given to a truck driver whose breaks failed, causing a fatal crash two years ago, has sparked an outcry from millions, including the judge who presided over his case. Now, days later, a Colorado DA is asking for a judge to review the life sentence handed down to 26-year-old Rogel Aguilera-Mederos. […]

The Most Patriotic Christmases in American History

Most Christmases are spent celebrating the holiday season with family and friends. But in years past, the events that took place on December 25th were pivotal to shaping our nation. See some of the defining moments in American history that happened on Christmas Day. 1776 – Washington Crosses the Delaware After a series of defeats, […]

Insider Spreadsheet Tracks Climate Conference COVID Catastrophe!

Internal spreadsheet spills the deets. The fall meeting of the AGU in New Orleans conjured up a climate-size conference of COVID victims. Here’s what we found. Right at the outset of their COVID-19 protocols the AGU Fall Meeting (a conference of climate scientists and activists) they note: “Only fully vaccinated people may attend #AGU21 in-person in New […]

Read the Manliest Christmas Card Ever, Courtesy of General Patton

At a critical juncture in the Battle of the Bulge, General George S. Patton’s Third Army became bogged down in its drive to relieve the legendary 101st Airborne Division trapped at Bastogne, Belgium.  The besieged Americans defended the vital crossroads town from a German force that outnumbered them by nine-to-one in critical sectors. Meanwhile, wintry […]

Communist China Stealing US Military Secrets to Become a Global Superpower

As American Liberty News (ALN) has reported frequently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), ministry of State Security (MSS) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLAN) has been stealing American military, technological and other secrets on an industrial scale for decades. This massive espionage operation has helped them gain superpower status and gives China $600 billion a […]

5 Reasons Why 2021 Was CNN’s Worst Year Yet

The past 12 months have hit CNN like a throbbing migraine.  And it’s still unclear if the liberal network has hit rock bottom. We know that among its stars’ gaffes and scandals, a handful has stood out for their perversion. Without further ado, here are seven reasons why Jeff Zucker can’t wait for 2022. Chris Cuomo’s Failed […]