Army General Says Americans Too Fat and Lazy to Serve

The United States Armed Forces is falling dangerously short of its recruitment goals. One of the biggest problems for each branch is the smaller and smaller pool of eligible recruits. About 12% of eligible youth show interest in military service. Many don’t qualify because they are obese. Of those who do, Army drill instructors routinely […]

Putin’s Folly in Ukraine Draws Dark Parallels to First World War

The first six months of Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine have resulted in an asymmetric stalemate, an outcome few predicted. Russia had spent 10 times more on its military than Ukraine and the weapons gap in artillery, tanks, armored vehicles and military aircraft meant Kyiv’s only hope was to hold out long enough for sufficient foreign […]

Ford Motor Company Slashes Jobs in Name of Progress

The future is unemployment… Years ago, critics of automotive electrification said the end result would be mass layoffs in the auto industry. While we haven’t quite reached that cataclysmic event, we’re getting just one step closer as Ford announces it will be axing 3,000 positions to free up resources for electric car development. That’s right, […]

1st Look: Walther PDP F-Series & Streamlight TLR-7

I have been really impressed with the Walther PDP Full Size Pistol. That said, the chance to take a 1st Look at the New Walther PDP F-Series and Streamlight TLR-7 did not disappoint… While I think their market grab for a “Female” pistol is poorly executed, I do like the F-Series PDP. It is comfortable, […]

Lightweight Heavyweights

Some years ago, I got a Taurus M942 snub 22 revolver for testing. Sadly, the gun failed to stabilize any 22 LR rounds I shot through it … at any distance. I felt badly about it, returned it and asked for a replacement. That didn’t happen. Since, I’ve worked with other 22 rimfire understudies of […]

Another Cruel Byproduct of Increased IRS Funding

The IRS is getting the biggest increase to its budget in recent memory – more than $80 billion spread over the next 10 years. While this has a number of politicians saying the agency is about to unleash an army of tax collectors on the nation, the IRS says its first hires will be more […]

Marines at Biden’s Anti-MAGA Speech Politicize Military

You might have a problem when CNN’s Brianna Keilar and a prominent Democratic Party official — and Iraq War vet — call out President Joe Biden for needlessly politicizing the military in last week’s primetime address denouncing the vast majority of Republicans. Presidents in both parties have used troops and military hardware as a backdrop […]

Killing for Transplants: Exposing China’s Murder for Organs Practice

Organ transplants are a marvel of modern medicine. Doctors should adhere to the highest ethical guidelines to procure organs and find a suitable match. However, standards in China are decidedly lower. According to recent reporting, China’s thriving transplant program, worth an estimated $1 billion a year, is bolstered by forced organ harvesting from marginalized groups […]

Democrat Frontrunner Leading Us Down the Road to Serfdom

It’s an iron law of politics: Candidates will say and do incredibly dumb things. Not all of these gaffes are fatal to a candidate’s chances of winning – sometimes, the other candidate says and does even dumber things.  But these missteps can give us a sense of what candidates really think. Consider an op-ed from […]

Inflation Reduction Act Also Won’t Reduce Red Tape

The ill-named Inflation Reduction Act promises to spur the development of alternative energy generation and transmission sources across the U.S. But there’s a problem with such grand schemes: they get snarled in red tape. The new law acknowledges there’s a design, permitting and building problem in the country, so it attempts to cut some of […]

John Fetterman’s Absurd Argument Against Voter ID

Last week, Pennsylvania U.S. Senate candidate Democrat John Fetterman said that requiring a voter I.D. is “insidious and unnecessary,” “outrageous,” “illogical,” “unfair,” and “simply voter suppression.” He says that concerns about vote fraud are a myth. But if concerns about vote fraud are a delusion, it is a delusion shared by virtually all other countries […]

Virginia Police Association Snubs ‘Defund’ Dems, Favors GOP Challengers

The Virginia Police Benevolent Association (VAPBA) has recently endorsed several Republicans who are challenging “Defund the Police” Democrats across Northern Virginia. The VAPBA represents “law enforcement officers employed by federal, state, county and municipal governments.” The group is backing Karina Lipsman, Hung Cao and Yesli Vega against Don Beyer, Jennifer Wexton and Abigail Spanberger, respectively. […]