China Bullying Taiwan And Philippines Could Spark War With US

FRIDAY PDB – Chinese escalations could spark war – China flies 38 warplanes near Taiwan, 6 navy vessels in area. It is the biggest such flight display since the large military exercise in which it simulated sealing off the island earlier in April. AT THE SAME TIME – Tense face-off: Philippines confronts China over sea claims. A […]

What Tennessee’s Governor Doesn’t Get About ‘Red Flag’ Laws

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has yet to announce when he’ll be calling lawmakers back to the state capitol for a special session on “gun reform and public safety”, but the Republican is already stumping for his version of a “red flag” law in the hopes of overcoming opposition from GOP legislators and many Second Amendment advocates. On […]

Woke Pentagon Brass Cheer Tucker Carlson’s Exit

ANALYSIS – I rarely watch TV news. And I didn’t always agree with Tucker Carlson. Sometimes I strongly disagreed – such as on Russia. But I often did agree. And he challenged the left AND the GOP establishment every night on Fox. He will be missed. He also challenged the woke leadership at the Pentagon. […]

Energy Chief Insists All Military Vehicles To Be All-Electric By 2030

ANALYSIS – Is she nuts? Team Biden’s dangerous obsession with the radical ‘environmental justice’ agenda just keeps getting worse. According to the energy secretary, now they want all military vehicles to be electric by 2030. It is bad enough that the administration’s efforts are already being imposed on the Department of Defense. Its new online […]

Senators Respond To UN Report They Say Decriminalizes Underage Sex

The United Nations is launching a new effort to globally legalize sex with underage children, and a group of U.S. senators is demanding to know what, if anything, the Biden administration knows about it. On March 8, 2023, the U.N.’s International Commission of Jurists published a report titled “The 8 March Principles for a Human […]

Conservatives Condemn Steven Crowder For Verbally Abusing Pregnant Wife On Camera

Journalist Yashar Ali obtained a three-minute video on Thursday of Steven Crowder from 2021, showing him emotionally abusing his heavily pregnant wife. Ali received the video and a statement from the family of Crowder’s soon-to-be ex-wife, Hilary, after Steven spoke about his “increasingly horrendous” divorce on his podcast against her wishes. The footage shows Steven […]