Senior US Spy Admits Biden Campaign Orchestrated Hunter Laptop Cover-Up

ANALYSIS – The Democrat domestic disinformation campaign to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop contents as Russian disinformation played a key role in securing Joe Biden’s win against Donald Trump in 2020. The central piece of this blatant election interference was the letter signed by fifty-one senior U.S. intelligence officials claiming, without evidence, that the laptop […]

How Will The Pentagon Evacuate Americans From War-Torn Sudan?

ANALYSIS – Mineral-rich Sudan, Africa’s third-largest country, has been a tragic site of mass murder and mayhem for two decades. Since 2003 at least 300,000 people have died in genocidal attacks, especially in the Darfur region. But now, two rival generals and their armies, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), previously allied, are battling for […]

The Priority Has To Be Education – Training Comes Later

Washington, D.C. – The reports of the collapse of America’s educational institutions are, as Mark Twain might have put it “greatly exaggerated.” That does not mean their current performance is flawless or even adequate. The reality is they are in a state of prolonged decline. This is as true for institutions of higher learning as […]

US Senator Sets Up Defense Fund Amid Investigation

Reports indicate Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., plans to create a legal defense fund to help pay for tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees relating to the federal criminal probe into his dealings with foreign regulators. Menendez’s office confirmed plans to create the fund to NBC News as the U.S. attorney’s office for the […]

How Tax Law Impedes Prosperity – The True Cost Of Compliance

The end of the federal tax season is a perfect time to assess what this annual exercise costs taxpayers. Not in the taxes paid. But in the time and money spent complying with the tax code. Those costs are very real and very big. In testimony before the Senate Budget Committee, the Tax Foundation’s William […]

Abortion Numbers Slightly Lower Since Roe V. Wade Overturned – Or Are They?

The abortion lobby predicted disaster, and pro-life Americans celebrated last June when the United States Supreme Court overturned its 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. But despite liberal warnings of abortion being completely outlawed and conservatives hailing what they thought was a final victory, new statistics show the number of abortions in […]

The Most Serious Threat To Our Country: Debt Or Climate?

Washington, D.C. – The operatives who design and execute strategy in American political campaigns are driven by the need to know why voters behave the way they do. What drives them to pick one candidate over another? Is their choice personality-driven or do issues matter? If it’s the latter, what issues are they? And are […]

ICYMI: Watch Keanu Reeves Tear It Up At The Gun Range

Many Hollywood celebrities these days are known for virtue signaling. Many but not all. One who finds himself in the non-woke crowd is Keanu Reeves, whose humbleness and chivalry seem reminiscent of a bygone era. So does his badassery, which was on full display during a three-gun drill. Task & Purpose has more: The video […]

Ex-CIA Official Admits To Biden Collusion Over Fake Hunter Biden Laptop Letter

A former CIA official testified that then-Biden campaign senior adviser, now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken helped craft the public statement signed by current and past intelligence officials that claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign before the 2020 election. Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell testified before the House Judiciary and […]

US Building Space War Capabilities, But Relying On Billionaire’s Rockets

FRIDAY PDB – Space is the ultimate battlespace. Whoever dominates this warfighting domain will dominate war on earth. The U.S. must be vigilant in developing military space capabilities. Space is a national security priority. China and Russia are working hard to expand into the final frontier, leaving us vulnerable to numerous dangers. AND THANKS IN PART […]

Special Forces Veteran Sentenced To 7 Years In Case Stemming From Jan. 6

A 20-year Green Beret veteran has received a seven-year prison sentence followed by three years of supervised release in a case that emerged from an investigation into his involvement in the U.S. Capitol riot. U.S. District Judge Susan Bucklew recently sentenced Jeremy Brown following a December conviction on six counts for possessing illegal weapons and […]