Liberal State Struggles With Easing COVID Restrictions

How nutty is “The People’s Republic of Massachusetts”? Over two weeks ago the completely incompetent Biden administration officially ended the COVID pandemic. But that’s not stopping crazy commonwealth officials from keeping bad COVID policies. This week our state senate passed a budget amendment to continue the COVID eviction moratorium. That’s right; renters can still get out […]

Michigan Man Who Shot Pro-Life Activist Gets Community Service

An Ionia County man who shot an 84-year-old pro-life activist distributing pamphlets has learned his fate. Richard Harvey must complete 100 hours of community service, pay $347.19 in restitution, forfeit his gun and have no contact with Joan Jacobson. Whom he shot in the back. Harvey, 75, will serve 60 days in jail if he […]

2023 Poll Shows Alarming Disregard For Individual Rights By Democrats

A new NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll released Wednesday shows an “alarming disregard by Democrats for the Second Amendment,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said. The poll, conducted May 15-18, 2023, revealed that “88 percent of Democrats think reining in gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights… …while 67 percent of […]