Russia Now Using Cheap Suicide Drones Against Ukraine’s Costly US Weapons

ANALYSIS – At first, it was a David and Goliath story, with a smaller Ukraine being the underdog against its massive neighbor Russia with the world’s 2nd most powerful armed forces. For months we read of how intrepid Ukrainians were jury-rigging improvised weapons to use against the numerically and often technologically superior Russian forces. (RELATED: Why Russian […]

Navy Still Doesn’t Get It – Admiral Puts Politics First

ANALYSIS – You would think the secretary of defense banning all politicized events on military bases would have sent a message. Maybe the Supreme Court’s ruling last week against discrimination (aka ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ via Affirmative Action) might also have been a strong reminder. (RELATED: House GOP Targets Anti-Christian Military Lobbying Group) And the Navy […]

‘Barbie’ Movie Banned In Vietnam As Hollywood Again Kowtows To China

ANALYSIS – China’s outrageous claim to almost the entire South China Sea – everything within a “nine-dash line” drawn on Chinese maps – has taken its most recent victim – the movie-viewing public in Vietnam. The Vietnamese government has banned the movie “Barbie” due to a scene with that Chinese-made line on a map. China takes its illegal […]

Both Parties Favor Statism In Their Own Way

Let’s be clear about the economic outlook of the two major parties today: They are no friends to free markets or free enterprise. Each is statist in its own way, seeking to use the levers of government power to reward friends, punish foes and generally increase government intervention in the economy. Each party does so […]

Backlash Against Military Wokeness Continues

MONDAY PDB – Between the GOP’s strong push and popular backlash against wokeness, things may be starting to turn around with our increasingly woke military. EXCELLENT – Lawmakers eye ending affirmative action at military academies. Thursday’s Supreme Court decision which ended the use of affirmative action in college admissions contained a carve out for military service […]

Loss Of Patriotism Leading Some Americans To Rethink July Fourth Celebrations

A variety of factors, including a historic decline in patriotism, has an increasing number of Americans conflicted about celebrating the Fourth of July. A recent poll by Gallup showed the percentage of American adults that consider patriotism an important value has dropped precipitously in recent years, from 61% in 2019 to 39% now. That number […]

Hazmat Situation At White House Leaves Unanswered Questions

Around the same time an unidentified assailant detonated three explosive devices and threw one Molotov cocktail at Washington, D.C. businesses, Secret Service ordered the evacuation of the White House grounds. Agents discovered what was initially reported as an “unknown item” and closed down the surrounding streets. A hazmat team and multiple fire engines responded as […]

Devastating US War With China Over Taiwan Coming Soon – But When?

ANALYSIS – Communist China has been on a war footing for over a decade. At least since Xi Jinping’s rise to power in 2012. In the last few years, many China hawks, including me, have been warning of a looming major U.S. military conflict with China over Taiwan. (RELATED: General Tells Hawaii Marines – Prepare […]

Israel Launches Biggest Military Incursion Into West Bank In 20 Years

America’s closest ally in the Mideast is on the move. The Israeli government launched the fiercest air attack on the West Bank in two decades Monday. Multiple outlets reported airstrikes against embedded Palestinian fighters in the city of Jenin. The incursion has included unmanned combat aerial vehicles and hundreds of troops. The New York Times […]

Celebrating The Spirit Of America – Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave

As fireworks burst across the night sky, the Fourth of July serves as a reminder of the profound significance of America’s day of independence and freedom. This day should hold immense importance in the hearts of Americans, resonating with the values of liberty, sacrifice and bravery; however, many of these values have been forgotten. Forgotten […]