The FDA Is Focused On The Wrong Things

Washington, D.C. – Since the end of World War II, the federal government has grown in size and scope beyond what most of the founding generation did not consider legitimate. The regulatory impulse of the modern state has produced a permanent, unaccountable meta-government that often ignores the people’s sentiments in the name of protecting them. […]

Is A Big War Brewing In Mideast? What Will China Do?

THURSDAY PDB – A new, much bigger war may be coming to the Mideast. With the U.S., Russia, Israel and Iran involved, it could be huge. It might also give China the opportunity to strike Taiwan. BUT WHAT OTHER OPTIONS DO WE HAVE? – The perils of adding US forces in the Middle East. Last month, […]

The Inconvenient Truth Behind Biden’s Clean Energy Decree

The Biden administration created a gold rush, of sorts, when it set up a program to hand out tens of billions of dollars in public subsidies to encourage companies to build the infrastructure for his green energy dreams. There was a catch to the giveaways, though an assortment of “made in America” requirements on components and […]

DeSantis Accepts Challenge To Debate Gov. Newsom

Florida Republican governor and current presidential candidate Ron DeSantis accepted California Governor Gavin Newsom‘s (D) debate challenge on Wednesday. The showdown is months in the making after Fox News host Sean Hannity asked Newsom in June if he would willing to debate the Sunshine State governor in a live broadcast. (RELATED: DeSantis Responds To Newsom […]

Democrat Mayor Wanted Less White Military Men In Police Recruiting Images

ANALYSIS – Even though, after the recent Supreme Court ruling against Affirmative Action, the momentum seems to be shifting away from discriminatory Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts nationally, one major, crime-infested, ‘Defund the Police’ city on the left coast hasn’t gotten the message. Seattle’s Democrat Mayor Bruce Harrell’s office ordered fewer White males and […]

Trump Indicted Again For Third Time – This One Could Be Serious

ANALYSIS – Donald Trump has been wrongly persecuted since he was elected president in 2016. From the four-year Hillary Clinton-manufactured ‘Russia collusion’ hoax to corrupt investigations to ‘deep state resistance’ within his administration to a partisan impeachment – no president has been so unfairly hounded in U.S. history. And now, we have the multiple indictments […]

DC Panics As Rand Paul Unveils Plan To Audit Ukraine Spending

Americans would have a full, transparent accounting of the billions of taxpayer dollars Congress is spending to intervene in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee introduced the “Ukraine Aid Oversight Act.”  The bill extends “the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s […]