Democrat Congressman Becomes Laughingstock Over Bizarre Definition Of Republicans

Arizona Senate candidate Rep. Ruben Gallego (D) was the target of swift backlash after his insulting comments about Republicans‘ “cultural identity” during a campaign event. Gallego, who is running for the seat currently held by Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), claimed that Republican “culture” could ultimately be boiled down to firearms and “jacked up” trucks “with some […]

Emotionally Immature Stunts Disrupt Republican Primary – Do Voters Care?

More signs that it’s the summer before the official start of the presidential primary season: the appearance of stories about bad behavior, even schoolyard-level violence, among various candidates’ supporters. Case in point: a Politico story out of Iowa on how things are getting a bit testy at the state fair: DeSantis supporters scoffed as a […]

Australian Amphibious Warship Joins Filipino Marines To Face China

TUESDAY PDB – South China Sea: Philippines resupplies Spratlys shoal troops. Manila says Beijing’s attempts to “block, harass, and interfere with the supply mission” were unsuccessful. Chinese ships fired water cannons at a Philippine supply mission to the Second Thomas Shoal in the disputed Spratly Islands two weeks before, stopping it from reaching the Filipino […]

Teen Vogue Twists YouTube Truth, Promoting Radical Narratives As Impartial

Teen Vogue claims that YouTube is right-wing. That’s a significantly dangerous thing to say to the young people this part of the Conde Nast empire is aimed at. Do recall that the self-proclaimed mission of Teen Vogue is “Educating the influencers of tomorrow.” What they’re doing is propagandizing the young. What’s on YouTube is a […]

Mask Mandates Return For Some Students As Calls For Restrictions Intensify

The administration at Morris Brown College in Atlanta is imposing a two-week mask mandate for all individuals on campus. But that’s not all. The liberal arts college has unveiled additional restrictions. These include temperature checks, banning parties and mandating CDC isolation and quarantine procedures for people with COVID-19. The school also has a vaccine mandate […]

Let’s Take A Look At New Jersey’s New ‘John Wick’ Concealed Carry Permit Qualifying Standards

By Lee Williams The Truth About Guns After the U.S. Supreme Court issued its historic Bruen decision, which obliterated most state restrictions on the public carrying of arms and changed forever how lower courts should decide Second Amendment-related challenges to anti-gun regulations, many blue states seemingly tried to outdo each other with the number of unconstitutional post-Bruen tantrum laws they could […]

Report: John Eastman Surrenders In Georgia Election Case

Former Trump attorney John Eastman turned himself into the Fulton County jail Tuesday morning. Eastman, who helped lead efforts to overturn the 2020 election, was the second of 19 defendants to surrender to the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office. The lawyer faces nine charges linked to the Georgia probe, ranging from conspiring to commit false statements […]

Federal Court Smacks Down Democrat Plan For Mail-Order Abortions

A federal appeals court has blocked a Biden administration scheme to use the United States Postal Service to dodge state abortion regulations by shipping do-it-yourself, at-home chemical abortion kits directly to homes. The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, found the Food and Drug Administration likely violated […]

Russian Moonshot Fails As Luna 25 Spaceship Crashes On Moon

ANALYSIS – It was to be a historic moment for Russia. Its first trip to the moon in almost 50 years. Launched on August 11 aboard a Soyuz-2 Fregat rocket, Luna 25, a robotic lander, was going to explore the moon’s south polar region, which would create problems for American plans for future lunar bases in […]

Biden Jokes About ‘Hot Ground’ Upon Arriving In Maui

President Joe Biden arrived in Maui yesterday to survey the wildfire damage and offer condolences to survivors. Upon landing, however, he cracked a joke about the temperature. At a ceremony to honor the victims, a video clip appeared to show President Biden dozing off. Additionally, the president told survivors about almost losing his Corvette in […]