Foreign Agents Gain Access to Do Not Fly List After Latest Hack

In a perilous development for national security under President Joe Biden, foreign hackers were able to infiltrate the nation’s terrorist screening database, access the confidential No Fly List and even had the ability to change or cancel flights. In a story broken by the Spectator, a 23-year-old transgender Swiss hacker named Maia Arson Crimew “who […]

Witnesses Before Grand Jury Investigating Trump May Have Lied Under Oath

A Georgia judge will release parts of a report on former President Donald Trump’s alleged attempted interference in the 2020 Georgia vote count after the grand jury raised concerns about witnesses potentially lying under oath. It’s unclear which witnesses have been implicated, as The New York Times reports: In making his ruling, the judge, Robert C.I. […]

Pennsylvania Man Robbed of About $35,000 of Toy Cars

It’s not enough to steal your full-size rides anymore… Car theft is so out of control these days that a man in Perry County, Pennsylvania reportedly was robbed of about 5,000 Matchbox cars recently. It’s pretty scummy to take someone’s full-size ride, whether it’s a hobby vehicle or a daily driver, but to steal a grown man’s toy […]

US Warns Citizens: Leave Russia Immediately

The government has issued a top-level advisory to any remaining U.S. citizens in Russia. Leave. Immediately. Citing the Kremlin’s plans to expand the draft to boost the number of Russian troops and the possibility of wrongful detention as the war continues, the advisory adds that transportation options out of the country may soon become even […]

NSSF Slams Anti-Gun Mayors for Attacks on Gun Industry: ‘Not Grounded in Reality’

National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence Keane is taking anti-gun mayors task in a new column, blasting the Michael Bloomberg-founded-and-funded Mayors Against Illegal Guns for accusing the firearms industry of being “unwilling to take steps to reduce gun violence”; a position that he says isn’t “grounded in reality.” It’s […]

Shock Poll Finds Democrat Voters Want Biden and Dems to Cooperate With GOP

A new Pew Research Center poll brings more bad news for President Joe Biden, with Republicans strongly in favor of blocking his liberal agenda even if it creates gridlock – and a strong majority of Democrat voters wanting their party to cooperate with Republicans. “More than six-in-ten Republicans and independents who lean toward the Republican […]

Stop Appeasing Biden and the Other Climate Authoritarians

The Department of Energy’s recent step to begin the process of banning gas stoves, taken directly against strongly expressed contrary public sentiment, again shows that President Biden, climate czar John Kerry and their climate policy allies are authoritarians. The climate authoritarians have made vast progress in regulatorily strangling American fossil fuel production, transport and use because opponents […]

Former Obama Fundraiser Confesses to Misusing Funds Intended for Struggling Young Adults

A prominent fundraiser for President Barack Obama, who led a nonprofit ostensibly committed to helping impoverished youth, has made a startling confession. According to a statement from the Justice Department, Howard Dixon Slingerland illegally took federal grant money to pay off more than $600,000 of his organization’s payroll and credit card debts, which included personal […]

US Shoots Down Unidentified Flying Object Over Canada

For the second time in two days, the U.S. military has shot down what North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) calls a “high altitude airborne object.” NORAD tracked the object, another possible spy balloon, over Canada’s Yukon Territory earlier Saturday. With the approval of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a U.S. fighter entered Canadian airspace to […]