Rep. Victoria Spartz Passes on Senate Run, Will Retire at End of Term

Rep. Victoria Spartz, R-Ind., won’t be returning to Congress after her current term ends. Spartz announced her decision to retire from the U.S. House of Representatives Friday afternoon. The two-term congresswoman also passed on running for Indiana’s open Senate seat. Per The Hill: “It’s been my honor representing Hoosiers in the Indiana State Senate and […]

Court Strikes Down Gun Rule, Opens Door to Invalidating Red Flag Laws

A U.S. court ruled Thursday that the federal government can’t stop people with domestic violence restraining orders from owning guns. The three-judge panel called the 1994 law an “outlier that our ancestors wouldn’t have accepted.” The Fifth District Court of Appeal’s ruling doesn’t affect similar state laws. However, proponents of the right to bear arms […]

Further Proof Neither Party Cares About Debt

Neither Republicans nor Democrats appear willing to even consider the most modest of changes to the federal government’s programs – Social Security and Medicare. These most sacred of political cows are off limits because neither party wants to be tagged as the guys who cut grandma’s benefits. While this is a case study of why […]

Biden Admin Deals Blow to Mining Industry – Gives Initiative to China

For the next two decades, a wide swath of resource-rich land crucial to our national defense will be tantalizingly out of reach. The Department of the Interior recently announced a 20-year mining ban for the entire Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness watershed. The watershed extends well beyond the already protected Voyageurs National Park. Officials in […]

Ex-ABC News Producer Arrested on Child Porn Charges

Federal authorities arrested former ABC News investigative journalist James Gordon Meek on criminal charges related to the alleged transportation of images of child sex abuse. According to the DOJ, the case against Meek was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative launched in May 2006 by the DOJ to combat the growing […]

US Secretary of State Postpones Trip to China Indefinitely

America’s top diplomat is suspending his high-stakes visit to China after a suspected surveillance balloon was discovered loitering above nuclear missile silos in Montana. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to Beijing hoped to stabilize U.S.-Chinese relations at a time when a future conflict between the two nations seems more likely than not. Per Fox […]

Suspected Chinese Surveillance Balloon Discovered Over US Skies

Beijing admits the balloon is theirs, but… Senior Defense Department officials revealed to the world Thursday night that the military had detected a suspected Chinese-operated surveillance balloon hundreds of miles inside U.S. airspace, well above the altitude of commercial air traffic. The Pentagon spotted the giant balloon over an Air Force base in Montana that […]

McConnell Exacts Revenge on Senators Who Plotted Against Him

Senator Mitch McConnell has a reputation as a cool political operator. Yesterday’s action by McConnell is another reminder of his ruthless efficiency and a famous line from an influential TV show. “You come at the king; you best not miss.” Following an attempt led by Sens. Rick Scott, R-Fla., and Mike Lee, R-Utah, to remove McConnell as […]

As Crime Soars, GOP House Hopes to Block DC’s New ‘Soft on Crime’ Bill

ANALYSIS – As crazy as it may seem, even as violent crime continues unabated and illegal aliens flood into our nation’s capital, the extreme left (aka ‘progressive’) local D.C. government is trying to pass a revised criminal code that would lower penalties for a number of violent criminal offenses. While the D.C. criminal code is outdated […]

Let Pentagon’s Radical DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Agenda ‘DIE’

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with respected national security expert Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries […]

Democrats Kick-Start Renewable Energy Subsidy Arms Race

Industrial policy is all the rage in official policy circles, with the U.S. leading the way owing to the comically ill-named “Inflation Reduction Act.” It’s a good time to be a statist and an even better time to be a private company looking for a hefty dose of corporate welfare. But as with all welfare/protectionist […]

Republican Senator Threatens Foreign Leader Over Imprisoned US Soldier

Republicans aren’t playing nice anymore. Thursday morning Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee issued a threat to Japanese prime minister Fumio Kishida if the U.S. ally doesn’t release Navy Lt. Ridge Alkonis, who is currently serving a 3-year prison sentence, by the end of the month. Sen. Lee promised to mobilize his colleagues and the American public […]