Federal Court Announces Landmark Decision On Voting Rights Act

Republicans notched a decisive victory in the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals Monday. Previously, any individual could file suit against a state or local government to overturn election security measures, such as voter ID and signature verification. Critics argue the prospect of significant legal costs and other associated difficulties, loomed ominously over jurisdictions considering new […]

Cardi B Demolishes Dem Mayor, Drops Support For Biden

Cardi B announced on Sunday that she will no longer endorse political candidates. To say the least, she’s fed up with celebrities courting politicians. During a live Instagram broadcast, the Grammy-winning rapper condemned New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D), for implementing budget cuts that will affect public services, including schools, libraries, law enforcement and […]

Support For President Biden Crumbles Among Key Voting Bloc

President Joe Biden is bleeding support across the board. Recent polls show the Democrat president losing support from Generation Z, a voting bloc that overwhelmingly supported Biden during the 2020 election. However, now it seems Gen Zers are looking elsewhere for a viable candidate to take on Trump in 2024. According to Fox News, one […]

Report: House GOP Inches Toward Biden Indictment

On Sunday, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy signaled to Fox News that House Republicans are close to filing an official impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. McCarthy told ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ that the GOP has recently moved “closer” to filing articles of impeachment against Biden in an effort to hold the U.S. Government “accountable.” “No one […]

Happy Birthday, Joe Biden – Now Please ‘Just Go Away’

ANALYSIS – Today, Joe Biden turns 81, and he has been in public office almost his entire adult life (with little to show for it, in my opinion). And what little he has done, has usually been incredibly damaging to America; especially when it has come to foreign and defense policy. But we still wish […]

Be Afraid, Leftists: Conservatives Celebrate Victory With Global Implications

The American right celebrated a victory on Sunday night in a country 10 hours away by plane. To say Javier Milei despises leftists is an understatement. Over the last decade, the flamboyant right-wing economist gained popularity through his combative appearances on Argentine television. WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE Milei, the Libertarian Party presidential hopeful, has been elected […]

Body Of Missing Man Found Inside Nebraska Chimney

The body of Zachariah Andrews was discovered more than a month after ‘mysterious noises’ were heard from within the apartment building. by Law Officer Law Officer NORFOLK, Neb. – The body of a missing man who also had a warrant issued for his arrest was found inside a Nebraska chimney last week. The bizarre discovery came […]

Gun Art Expands ‘Defending Freedom’ State Collection

by News Desk Breach Bang Clear Arizona-based Gun Art is proud to announce the expansion of its DEFENDING FREEDOM series. Our high-quality, firearm-related artwork is now available in classic, framed wall art, computer mats, and more. These are top-quality artistic representations of beloved firearms perfect for your man cave, office, meeting room, workstation, or… Bathroom.  There are two versions of […]

Biden Policy Criticized For Racial Implications

The Biden administration is considering a ban on menthol cigarettes, but, in a rare twist, is facing opposition from both Republicans and Democrats. Critics claim that the proposed ban is racist, would inadvertently fund terrorism and even make the southern border more dangerous. An estimated 85% of Black smokers use menthols, compared with 30% of […]

Democrat Congressman’s Office Vandalized With Pro-Palestinian Graffiti

Authorities found the district office of a well-known Jewish Democrat vandalized with pro-Palestinian graffiti. An investigation is ongoing. Two individuals are reported to have vandalized the Brooklyn headquarters of Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.). They defaced the building with different phrases, including “Free Palestine” and the words “Blood on ur hands.” “Harassing, intimidating, and outright attacking […]