US Military Might Pouring In To Support Israel And Warn Iran

FRIDAY PDB – In a show of support for our close ally and as a warning to our mutual enemy, American forces are pouring into the Middle East again. Here’s a look at the military firepower the US is providing to Israel. Within hours of the horrific terror attack by Hamas, the U.S. began moving warships and […]

After Brutal Hamas Terror Attacks, Will Israel Invade Gaza?

ANALYSIS – Most of us watched in horror as reports bombarded us with the atrocities committed by Gaza-based Hamas terrorists this past Saturday, October 7. Over 1,300 Israelis (including at least 25 Americans and other foreigners) were brutally murdered by the Palestinian jihadists. Most of the dead were civilians, including families, the elderly and children. […]

Virginia School Board Member Opposes Moment Of Silence For Israel

Fairfax County School Board Member Abrar Omeish put liberal intolerance on full display during a school board meeting Thursday night. The Yale-educated Democrat broke into a minutes-long diatribe following a moment of silence held by her colleagues for the victims of Hamas terrorism and the innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives lost. Thursday wasn’t the first […]

Ex-IRS Consultant Faces Lengthy Prison Sentence After Leaking Trump Taxes

On Thursday, a former contractor for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) pleaded guilty to intentionally leaking former President Trump and others tax information. According to the Justice Department, Charles Littlejohn, 38, disclosed the tax returns of “thousands of the nation’s wealthiest individuals” to news organizations and tax information associated with a “high-ranking government official” to a […]

Harvard Students Bolster Anti-Semitism On Campus

Thirty-four student groups at Harvard University signed a letter earlier this week in response to the attack on Israel by Hamas that left 1,200 dead and at least 2,700 wounded. That letter blamed Israel for the attacks. “We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence. The apartheid regime is the only […]

Israel Orders Unprecedented Evacuation, Hamas Tells Residents To Stay Put

Israel has warned 1.1 million Gaza Strip residents to relocate within 24 hours, ahead of an expected ground assault to root out Hamas terrorists in the densely populated Palestinian enclave. Hamas officials are advising Palestinians to defy the sweeping evacuation order. U.N. officials are saying a mass evacuation is “impossible” and urging Israel to reconsider. […]

Scalise Drops Out Of Speaker’s Race

The House Republicans’ nominee for speaker, Steve Scalise, has withdrawn his name from consideration. The New York Times has more on the latest updates involving the Louisiana congressman: Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana on Thursday withdrew from consideration for the speakership he was on the cusp of claiming after hard-line Republicans balked at rallying around […]

Will Joe Biden Protect Americans In Israel? Help Defend Our Ally?

THURSDAY PDB – Sending two carriers and a Marine MEU is good, but more may be needed. This war could involve the United States very quickly and seriously. Lawmakers mull deeper military role in Israel as ‘dozens’ of Americans are held hostage by Hamas. This, as Americans were killed and taken hostage, and others were struggling […]

Juan Williams Criticized For Calling Biden America’s ‘Third Black President’

Ex-Fox News personality Juan Williams is raising eyebrows yet again. In an op-ed for The Hill, the liberal commentator referred to President Biden as “our third Black president.” The unprecedented claim sparked backlash online. The United States has had only one African-American president, though Toni Morrison famously called Bill Clinton “the first Black president.” Williams […]

Kushner Claims Top Democrat Told Family Friends He Was Going To Jail

Former adviser to President Trump, Jared Kushner says Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D) told family friends the President’s son-in-law was heading for jail over his link to a since-debunked claim the Trump 2016 campaign colluded with Russia. “My poor mom, I told her to stop, you know reading whatever, I said, ‘I promise you, […]

Biden Admin Backtracks On Unfrozen Iranian Assets

The Biden administration ignited controversy last month when it released $6 billion in Iranian oil profits to secure the release of five American citizens imprisoned by the Islamic Republic. However, the U.S. and Qatar have now decided to block Tehran’s access to the funds. Despite restrictions on the money, critics believed unfreezing it would help […]