Nerf Guns And Firearm Safety: Transitioning From Toys To Firearms

Over the years, many articles have been written about the process of introducing children to firearms. Opinions range from a very early introduction to near absolute bans until a certain age. Honestly, I rarely read such articles and strongly disagree with their stated opinions. That is likely due to my belief that child rearing (outside […]

Ballooning Federal Debt Showcases Need For Entitlement Reforms

More news of the federal government’s finances, courtesy of the Congressional Budget Office, shows that the costs of all that profligate spending are really starting to bite. The headline numbers look like this: The deficit totals $1.6 trillion in fiscal year 2024, grows to $1.8 trillion in 2025, and then returns to $1.6 trillion by […]

Santos Sends Profanity-Laced Message To NY GOP Lawmakers After Special Election

Disgraced former Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) sent a profanity-laced text message to the Republican New York delegation following the loss in the state’s special election on Tuesday. The ex-lawmaker faces numerous criminal charges, including wire fraud, conspiracy and laundering campaign funds. Mediaite reports: In a text message sent Tuesday night, Santos blamed the GOP lawmakers for pushing […]

Shooting Reported Near Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl Parade Route

Police are responding to a shooting near Union Station in Kansas City, Missouri, where fans of the city’s football team are celebrating their Super Bowl victory. Multiple victims have been reported. Kansas City’s KCTV5 reports 14 injured at the scene. A photojournalist for the station reported seeing medical care being administered to at least four […]

The Fall Of NYC Is Nothing To ‘Bragg’ About

Social media spreads ideas around the world. Ideas based on algorithms tied to popularity, and it has become popular in America to wage a social and political war on our law enforcement. The world has watched us riot and light our cities on fire. They have seen Americans disrespect and disobey their police officers, observed […]

Tucker Accuses Ben Shapiro And Nikki Haley Of ‘Threatening’ The Lives Of His Children

Appearing on Russell Brand’s podcast, conservative iconoclast Tucker Carlson explained why he despises Republican White House hopeful Nikki Haley and right-wing media mogul Ben Shapiro. According to Carlson, both thoughtlessly advocate for policies that risk wider wars, threatening the lives of his children and attempting to “use the power of the state to make me […]

Intelligence Committee Chair Pressures Biden To Declassify ‘Serious National Security Threat’

On Wednesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) urged President Biden to declassify information regarding a “serious national security threat.” “Today, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has made available to all Members of Congress information concerning a serious national security threat,” Turner said in a statement. “I am requesting that President Biden declassify all […]

Speed Cameras Now Equipped To Issue Fines For Not Wearing Seatbelts

Every time we cover anything having to do with speed enforcement cameras, some people decide to educate us on their positive impact on road safety. What these people fail to understand is we’ve been monitoring the growing use of cameras and other sensors to supposedly improve conditions in different countries, only to see cases like this one in […]

Longtime Fox News Contributor Signs New Deal With NewsNation

Longtime newscaster Geraldo Rivera has reached a new deal with cable news channel NewsNation. Rivera will serve as “correspondent-at-large” effective immediately and will appear across the network’s daytime and prime-time programming, the outlet said. “Geraldo is a legendary journalist whose talent and experience is unrivaled in the industry,” Michael Corn, president of news at NewsNation, […]

Biden Refuses Cognitive Exam He Desperately Needs

ANALYSIS – Despite the damning results of the recent report by his own Department of Justice (DOJ) noting Joe Biden’s poor memory and frailty, the White House defiantly stated he will not take a cognitive exam to prove he is fully competent to lead our nation. This, as the vast majority of voters (86%) have […]

Mitch McConnell’s Sister-In-Law Dies In Tragic Accident

The family of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao is mourning today. Chao’s younger sister, Angela, an American shipping magnate, died in a car collision. Her family and company were the first to release the news. Angela, the CEO of Foremost Group, a bulk shipping company, was only 50. No […]

Whistleblowers Claim CIA Sabotaged COVID-19 Probe

A group of United States senators are demanding the Central Intelligence Agency turn over documents and information that could prove allegations by agency whistleblowers than an investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 virus was sabotaged to cover up its likely release from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rand […]