Harsh Reality Of Protectionist Policies Being Ignored By Both Parties

Both of the major party presidential nominees are on record in favor of tariffs. While the reasons for such trade barriers run the gamut from national security, to protecting American industry, workers, and so on, the hard reality is tariffs cost you money. And workers jobs. And no – the nations targeted for tariffs don’t […]

Biden’s Risky ‘Gaza Pier’ Boondoggle Cost Now Over $320 Million

ANALYSIS – Barely begun, behind schedule and recently under attack by Palestinian terrorists, Joe Biden’s floating humanitarian aid pier in the war zone of Gaza is now estimated to end up costing over $320 million FOR A 90-DAY EFFORT.  Of course, this means the final price tag will likely be closer to $400 million, which […]

Report: Second Boeing Whistleblower Dead

A second person who was deposed in regard to safety concerns related to Boeing aircrafts has died suddenly. Joshua Dean, a quality inspector for the Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems, died this week after a surprise infection left him in critical condition for days, according to his family. Dean had been deposed in connection with a […]

Students Praised For Saving American Flag From Anti-Israel Protesters

Proud to be an American… This week, a group of fraternity brothers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were praised for their actions to protect the American Flag from being destroyed by anti-Israel protesters on campus. Possibly taking a page from “Rule for Radicals,” the frat boys held nothing back when confronting […]

ABC News Fires Meteorologist Over Behavioral Issues

ABC News reportedly parted ways with longtime weatherman Rob Marciano due to his behavioral misconduct. Multiple sources reported that ABC News issued a warning to Marciano a year ago, citing that the meteorologist had “anger management issues” he had to work on. He was reportedly fired after nearly a decade with the organization Tuesday. Marciano was hired […]

Biden Condemns Campus Protests, Refuses To Call Up National Guard

President Biden publicly addressed the ongoing college protests against Israel for the first time on Thursday. Although he stated that violent protests are not protected, he did not order the National Guard to remove the entrenched demonstrators. During his speech at the White House, Biden emphasized that the United States is not a nation that […]

Nuclear War Threat Growing Under Biden

THURSDAY PDB – Voters, please think about the menace of nuclear annihilation. Future historians, if there are any, will be dumbfounded. Today, uncountable dollars and unquantifiable hysteria are devoted to the distant threat of climate change.  Meanwhile, negligible public anxiety accompanies the intensifying danger of global incineration from nuclear war. And Joe Biden is only making […]

Biden Scheme To Spy On Trump Supporter’s Bank Accounts Even Wider Than Reported

Congressional investigators are demanding additional documents and information from financial institutions nationwide amid revelations that a Biden administration operation to spy on millions of bank accounts to identify suspected January 6 rioters was even more widespread than previously reported. U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent letters to the Chief Executive Officers of […]

FBI Takes Lindsey Graham’s Phone After Potential Hack

Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Wednesday that the FBI took possession of his cellphone after someone attempted to trick the South Carolina Republican into thinking he was texting with Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Graham acknowledged the potential hack at a Capitol Hill seminar about artificial intelligence security. As The Washington Times reports: Asked […]

Gun-Toting Homeowner Steps Up To Defend People And Property

DAVE URBANSKI The Blaze An intruder forced his way into a Louisiana home early Wednesday morning, assaulted a guest, and threatened to kill the victim and her family, police said. But the homeowner is a gun owner — and used the weapon to put the threat to rest. What are the details? The Tangipahoa Parish […]

Former Senator’s Bold Warning Still Holds True Today

One of the late Sen. Barry Goldwater’s favorite sayings was that “any government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have.” That Goldwater-ism remains in full force today, as the modern American state has become so big, its power so great, that virtually nothing is beyond […]