California’s EV Conversion Bill – Is It Really Fair?

Recently, the California legislature passed a bill which uses taxpayer dollars to incentivize the conversion of existing internal combustion engine vehicles to EVs. Some are celebrating what likely will be signed into law by Governor Newsom, but we’re not so excited. Originally, SB 301 was written so private citizens converting their ICE car to an EV would get at least $2,000 for the […]

Republicans Vote To Hold Merrick Garland In Contempt Of Congress

House Republicans have voted to hold United States Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena. The House voted to hold Garland in contempt for his refusal to turn over an unredacted audio recording of an interview with President Joe Biden by special counsel Robert Hur. The recording […]

Red State Approves Age Limit Ballot Measure

Voters are ready for a fresh wave of lawmakers and are ready to make it happen. North Dakota voters recently approved a ballot measure that would set an age limit for congressional candidates. The ballot measure would block any person set to turn 81 years old during their term from running or serving in the U.S. House […]

Traditionally Blue Virginia Added To 2024 Swing State Roster

The conventional wisdom surrounding the 2024 presidential race is that a handful of “swing” states will determine the outcome. But conventional wisdom is a brittle thing. Surprises, even modest ones, tend to cast the CW into a ditch, leaving pundits and pros alike wondering what the heck happened to their best-laid plans and narratives. It’s […]

How Will ‘Convicted Felon’ Hunter Biden Hurt Joe?

ANALYSIS – Well, at least now conservatives can say Biden is a “convicted felon.” It may be Hunter Biden, and not his likely just as guilty dad, but it is something. This made Hunter the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a crime on Tuesday after a federal jury found him guilty […]

Paul Ryan Distances Himself From Trump, Criticizes His Leadership

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, now a Fox News board member, has once again targeted former President Donald Trump. Despite their previous policy collaborations, Ryan has become a vocal critic of Trump in recent years. The retired Wisconsin congressman and one-time vice presidential nominee played a crucial role in passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs […]

Trump Is Right – Europe Needs To Lead In Its Own Defense

WEDNESDAY PDB – Europeanize NATO to save it. When NATO members gather next month to celebrate the alliance’s 75th anniversary, they must seize the opportunity to protect itself against shifts in U.S. geopolitical priorities. The argument that the U.S. has for too long borne the burden of perceived European complacency continues to hold sway with many […]

The Economist Accuses The New York Times Bestseller List Of Bias

A new campaign against conservatives… An investigation by The Economist reports that The New York Times bestseller list may be systematically biased against conservative books and publishers. In its findings, The Economist said “on average, books by conservative publishers are seven percentage points less likely to make it onto New York Times weekly bestseller lists than books by other publishers with […]

Republican Underperformance In Ohio Special Election Shocks Pundits: A Troubling Sign For The GOP?

In a special election on Tuesday to represent Ohio’s 6th Congressional District, Republicans retained the seat. However, the narrow results in one of the country’s reddest seats revealed significant vulnerabilities heading into a high-stakes presidential election year. Ultimately, GOP nominee Michael Rulli prevailed by a relatively slim margin, defeating Democrat Michael L. Kripchak by 54.7% […]

Despicable Hamas Terror Chief Wants Many More Dead Gazans

ANALYSIS – Lots more dead Gazans. Hamas launched a murderous terror rampage on October 7, 2023, killing 1,200 Israeli men, women and children, knowing full well Israel had to respond with massive force. Hamas’ terror leaders believed their fortified underground tunnel network and bunkers would protect them. Especially with the entire civilian population of Gaza above […]

Here’s How Liberal Union Bosses Are Using Your Tax Dollars To Pay A Political Army

A congressional investigation is exposing the abuses of so-called “official time,” a union practice in which officials of government employee unions are paid with tax dollars to organize liberal political campaigns against taxpayers. U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY), Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions […]

NBA Legend Jerry West Dead

A player, executive and ambassador of the game of basketball has shuffled off this mortal coil. Jerry West, often referred to as “Mr. Clutch,” passed away Wednesday morning. The prolific scorer and Hall of Fame guard for the Los Angeles Lakers was a towering figure in the league’s formative years. To future generations, his silhouette […]