Friday, May 3, 2024

Report: White House May Open Abortion Clinics in Red States


The White House may open clinics on federal lands in red states, where it may soon be outlawed.

That's according to Health and Human Services Secretary , who stressed Tuesday that “every option is on the table.”


As the Washington Examiner's Cassidy Morrison reports:

“What I can tell you is that we are aware of a number of ideas and proposals, many of which we have been considering internally ourselves,” Becerra said. “We have made no decisions yet. We certainly would have a conversation with the president to make sure we implement his directives to us in trying to protect women's reproductive healthcare services.”

Becerra's comments are at odds with those of Vice President who said just Monday that the administration was not discussing clinics on federal lands.

The proposal, if pursued by the administration, would offer women a safe haven for abortion access in red states, most of which have already curtailed access. President is fairly limited in his ability to restore the right to an abortion, short of issuing executive orders that could be overturned by the next administration.

The move to set up abortion providers on federal property in red states is favored by leading progressives, including Sen. (D-Mass.) and Rep. (D-N.Y.).

While acknowledged as controversial and even dangerous by other members of the administration, AOC called it “the babiest of the babiest of the baby steps.”

Morrison then listed other options under consideration at the White House:

Becerra outlined several other measures the administration is taking to sure up access to abortion. He pledged to use his authority as head of HHS to preserve access to the abortion-inducing medications mifepristone and misoprostol, a goal that the Biden administration had already announced. Current federal law requires government health programs to offer medication to induce an abortion in certain instances, such as when the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, or if the life of the mother is put at risk. 

ALN Staff
ALN Staff
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  1. Yes because they handle things like the VA so well. Who is going to fund this? They better hope funding gets through Congress in time.

    • Bypassing our laws seems to be Trader Joe’s biggest accomplishment. He cares nothing for our Constitution; I’m not sure he’s ever actually READ it.

  2. If they open these clinics on Federal land, it is illegal to use any taxpayer money for funding. Guess they will have to pull more money out of their &ss.

  3. Then give red states the same percentage of state land that other states (mostly in the EAST have). The western states have much less control over their land and that IS NOT DEMOCRATIC!
    Some only have about 50%! My husband came from an Eastern state and that state has control of nearly all of that state.

  4. Medicaid is often used for the “poor” and it was part federal and part state.
    No states should have to pay if the feds try to be undemocratic.

  5. If they are stupid enough to do that, then I will demand that state police in my state go right in there & place them under arrest as our state law NOW says NO abortions! I do not see any significance of running the murder mills on federal land.

    • It’s not a legitimate government purpose. Deny them zoning, utility services, whatever works to keep them from opening.

  6. All I know is my tax dollars should not pay for any abortions… maybe we should have a pro choice tax menu and we tax payers check off what we want our money to fund and not to fund. This would soon show our elected folks what we Americans really want to have funded. I can tell you this there would be lots of stuff not funded by the US tax payers.

  7. This farce government will do anything to keep the murder mills going! Using federal lands for this is outrageous! It should be stopped before it starts!

  8. Using an Executive order to over-ride State law, if not, should be illegal in and of itself. Our Constitution lays it quite clearly, “Any and all powers not explicitly called out in the Constitution shall remain to the individual states.
    We have allowed the Feds to “assume” far too many of our rights to self government at the state level. This exactly what the recent SCOTUS ruling was based on with regards to Roe v. Wade. Women never “lost” their so-called “right” to murder the unborn babies. This was NEVER a “right”. The individual state legislative governments now have to sole ability to allow or disallow abortions within their states.
    Anyone living in a state which does not allow abortions is free to leave that state, preferably immediately !

  9. Some Corporations are offering $4000.00 to their employees to abort their baby. I dont know I would trust an employee who would take money to destroy a life. Any
    Woman who thinks like that should consider putting her eggs in safe keeping…in case they change their mind….surely there is an operation to temporarily sterilize one and reverse it later….but I guess the woke feminist….or whatever gender they chose to be might just prefer aborting. But, watching those demonstrators, again I dont know if they have a gender…watching supposed women so feverish, so rabid to destroy a life, I guess the abortees are probably better off. At some point corporate America wont have need for human employees and have to use robots….maybe that is their plan.

  10. The government personnel will be forced to abide by the laws of each Red State or be indicted for murder.

  11. Go for it, Joey! Do it! I’m sure the taxpayers will love the idea of funding baby murder…

    Let’s go, Brandon! Remember in November.

  12. How about teaching contraceptive measures. Try not getting pregnant at all! These people are sick. How anyone can vote for Dems these days leave you scratching your head.

  13. Who is it in the administration who comes up with these sick ideas….is it Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi? Maybe one of their Woke administration hate mongering twits. The suggestion couldnt be any more disgusting if they suggested opening them in the White House.

  14. Well, Old Jittery Joe hasn’t the concentration or the resolve to initiate something like this. Therefore I wonder if it’s not good ol’ Bathhouse Barry lurking behind the White House arras like Polonius in Hamlet.

  15. Wonderful, you should only know the hideous things people do, regarding trafficking (kidnap and breeding of new sex and sales of organs of babies), besides how many females are raped by the worst kinds of people, from for instance monsterly burglars to dads and uncles and then often without having the right age to have a child, or having the state of mind, or having money and a home to take care of a baby. I believe a young pregnancy is much like a bit of sperm, and while those are all washed away in tissues and etc., one should leave life alone I know, but the problem is that females who wont want to have this horrid future, will stick needles in their uterus or fall on balls or chairs with their bellies to prevent and then can die trying !!! So WELL DONE Mr President !! and THANK YOU btw CAN YOU ALSO FUND THE POLICE, if only by giving them hotel and living expenses ? This was done for PRISONERS that where freed during the pandemic, so I dont see why not for police families, that that way can keep working, while you cant pay them anymore !! No police means war between crime and non crime and crime and crime and ends all !! THANK YOU XOXOX


  17. They want the girls to bill Medicaid in that state. Why aren’t they willing to pay for the abortions in the blue state?
    What creeps.

  18. If there is democracy, then all the states which are owned by the federal government (such as Idaho – over 60% of the land) should get their ownership increased.
    Delaware only is owned by the feds at a rate of 2% while other states in the WEST have over 50% owned by the feds.
    How is that democratic?

  19. Not Surprising. The government is in the Abortion Mill Business. They Always were. The government gives Planned Parenthood to the tune of $500,000,000 million dollars a year of ones tax dollars. One can bet a good portion of that money gets kicked back to the liberal commie Democrat Party. Planned Parenthood is a cash cow fore the Democrats. I am a firm believer, if this inherently corrupt government can’t do for all, it shouldn’t do for one. There is better use for that money than giving it all to Planned Parenthood. Next time there is a Town Hall meeting with ones Senator or Congressperson, ask them How much money Lying corrupt Quid Pro KING Joe gave to Wounded Warrior’s, DAV, Tunnel for Towers, Shriner’s Hosp. for Children, St. Jude’s Hosp. for Children. One already knows the answer to that one. One doesn’t see on TV Planned Parenthood asking for $19/mo. to provide an abortion for some 17 yr old.

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