Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The IRS Has Purchased Night Vision Goggles, Millions in Ammunition


WASHINGTON, D.C. – According to Open The Books, an oversight group that tracks “The Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies,” the has spent approximately $4.5 million on and ammunition, but also $90,000 on night vision binoculars and close to $1 million on quick reaction capability equipment (communication devices) between the fiscal years of 2006 and 2019. With the addition of 87,000 new agents, these expenditures are set to grow dramatically.

Representatives Brian Mast (R-FL-18) and Byron Donalds (R-FL-19) offer give their opinions in the Floridian calling the idea that the IRS needs this equipment as “laughable.”

“After all, since when do visits from the IRS turn into police sieges,” Mast said.

“I take issue with the IRS needing ammo, armor, or night vision but find it laughable they have a line item for quick reaction capability equipment,” stated Mast.

Donalds says that this expenditure by the IRS on military equipment is precisely why the IRS should not be expanded in the first place.

“This is another reason why we shouldn't be doubling the size of the IRS. If the IRS needs military equipment to enforce the tax code, maybe we should change the tax code to make it easier to comply with,” said Donalds.

Read the original article in its entirety at


  1. Sounds like the IRS is being used as cover for the Biden Admin to create it’s own personal army. Why does it look like they’re stocking up for the ‘coming civil war’?

  2. This planned attack on the Anerican tax payer by the biden government will not begin welll or end well.

  3. I can understand the night vision goggles. irs agents may have to do audits in the dark, with the rolling black-outs hitting the electric grids thanks to slimy joey lie-dens green new deal

  4. @Brian Mast and @Byron Donald’s, instead of “laughing” about it, why don’t you do something about it stop this insanity?!

  5. We must all realize that you cannot become Biden’s goon squad Brown Shirts without being properly equipped. Be prepared, my friends!

  6. Hey, c’mon man!! Every self-respecting dictator needs a goon squad to round up all the Deplorables and squeeze them into concentration camps.
    Squad ?

  7. This all boils down to the undeniable eventuality that federal agencies believe Americans are their enemies and they want to be prepared to fight them. There is NO other logical reason.

  8. Sooo…Why does the IRS need guns and ammo…let alone “nitevision googles”…It appears the King has setup a special “tactical tax-force” to collect your taxes…If taking them by force their books had better be audited for accuracy upon the tax they collect…otherwise resistance shall surely occure guns or no guns…these nightmares really do exist…

    “Don’t Give Up Your Guns”…you freedom depends on it!

  9. I read there are swat teams now in most of not all feed agencies. Postal service, BLM burec, forest, etc., amounting to an force of more than 150,000 machine gun armed police, also equipped with light armored vehicles. So the notion the left are whiny crybabies up against a trillion rounds of ammo isn’t accurate.

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