Monday, May 6, 2024

Georgia Democrat Gubernatorial Challenger Reveals Radical Abortion Stance


Georgia Democrat gubernatorial challenger Stacey Abrams just showed how radical she truly is. During an appearance with the ladies of ABC's “The View” Abrams announced she supports abortion “up to the moment of birth” in some circumstances.

The gubernatorial hopeful told viewers she believes the life-ending procedure is “a decision that should be made between a woman and her doctor, that viability is the metric, and that if a woman's health or life is in danger, then viability extends until the time of birth.” However, Abrams refused to specify what constitutes a woman's health or life being in danger.

Abrams recently admitted during an interview with CNN that she was “anti-” until she went to college where her stance softened.

“And over the course of the next few years, I really started thinking about what role should the legislature play, what role should government play?” Abrams told “State of the Union” host Dana Bash. “This is . This is about a woman's right to control her body. … And that, for me as a matter of faith, means that I don't impose those values systems on others. More importantly, I protect her rights, I protect her humanity and that should be my responsibility.”

“I believe that abortion is a medical decision, not a political decision,” Abrams said. “And arbitrary, politically defined timelines are deeply problematic because they ignore the reality of medical and physiological issues.”

“For example, a six-week ban tells women they have to make reproductive choices before they know they're pregnant. And that arbitrariness extends into these artificial timelines,” Abrams said.

Abrams concluded her monologue by taking a shot at lawmakers responsible for drafting legislation concerning abortion, “the limit should not be made by politicians who don't understand basic biology or, apparently, basic morality.”

Abrams' hard-line stance comes on the heels of South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham proposing a nationwide abortion ban after 15 weeks. (RELATED: Lindsey Graham Proposes Nationwide Abortion Restrictions)

“I think we should have a law at the federal level that would say, after 15 weeks, no abortion on demand except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother,” Graham said at a news conference. “And that should be where America is at.”

Graham's “abortion on demand” comment is a reference to a popular term among pro-abortion activist groups.

“The View's” most recent conservative addition, former White House Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah Griffin, told co-hosts she thinks Sen. Graham's proposal is “bad ” for the GOP.

“For a long time, my party has argued states should decide abortion rights,” Griffin said.

Abrams is facing a rematch against Republican Gov. Brian Kemp whom she lost to in the last gubernatorial election. She then infamously refused to concede the race citing “voter suppression” in the Peach State.

The race is expected to be one of the most contentious battles for governor this year, however, while the latest Quinnipiac poll reported Gov. Kemp with a 2-point lead over Abrams. Pollsters still say the race is “too close to call.”

READ NEXT: 100 Georgia Sheriffs Slam Democrat Gov. Candidate Stacy Abrams Over ‘Defund the Police' >>

Nancy Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nation’s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.


  1. So this person was anti abortion until she “went to college”? This is the kind of results we can expect when you send your child to college. College is over rated. It is the elites way of indoctrination. It’s how they keep control of our youth by pumping their heads full of immoral communistic garbage.

    • Your assessment is the antithesis to the truth. College is not where indoctrination takes place, to the contrary, it is the place where critical thinking and reasoning are developed and applied to real world situations. Too bad your mind is so closed.

    • Yeah, the elitist colleges and universities get way, way, way overpaid for destroying the minds of 95% of their charges. What could go wrong after the commie k-12 indoctrinations are accomplished and those vile unions have split their huge government payments, now lucre, with the dnc in the form of dark money? Dark money, my ass, it’s taxpayer money or it’s nothing!

    • My last month paycheck was 13,500 dollars… All I did was simple 0nline work from comfort at home for 5-7 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me 95 dollars every hour.
      Visit for more detail…

  2. Oh, my.

    First, there is no medical reason to abort a viable baby at 7, 8, or 9 months. If there is a life-threatening issue such as preeclampsia, the gold-standard treatment is to induce labor or perform emergency c-section. There is NO reason to kill the baby.

    Second, if she was really “anti-abortion,” she would not become pro-abortion. No one ever has a moment of enlightenment where they suddenly realize that valuing and protecting human life is wrong. Of course, her usage of the term “anti-abortion” rather than “pro-life” reveals that she never was pro-life; she was always pro-abortion.

    Third, abortion is not “medical care.” The majority of abortions are performed for birth-control purposes. This makes them “health care” in the way that getting tattoos is “health care.” On a related topic, her claim that six weeks is not long enough for a woman to go through with her plan to have that birth-control abortion is ludicrous. The woman who decides to get pregnant because she is planning abortion would know she is pregnant within a month. Pregnancy is counted from the last cycle, so this would give her two weeks to make that appointment at the abortuary. Considering that abortuaries pressure clients into immediate abortions (to reduce the risk that the client will have a chance to think it over and change her mind), it’s not like they won’t have her in to kill that kid within the next day or so.

  3. Hopefully this fat as*ed ignorant pos does not win the election. Anyone that would vote for her has to have shyt for brains.

    • Having lived for a lot of years during my working years in Georgia, it’s hard for me to believe that the citizens of that state would vote for this worthless radical left winger to be their governor. I know times have changed, but really, elect someone like Abrams?

      • Unfortunately, stupidity often wins… as does hypocrisy.
        I recently read a good article about how “good” and/or “nice” people often support ideology that turns out to be evil and harmful. They filter the ideology through their belief that people in power will choose to use their power for “good”… completely ignoring all evidence to the contrary. Not to mention the reality of human nature.

        They mean well, bless their little hearts.

      • I think we are seeing more voter fraud which we weren’t aware of before the actual 2020 election fraud became so obvious. They may have been cheating all along but it wasn’t so massive before 2020.

  4. All of these radicals wanting abortions —-Maybe their mothers should have aborted them. All of them seem to hate life for themselves or they wouldn’t act the way they do.

  5. A woman “controls” her body by using birth control methods and not by killing a baby. Democrats sound like the stupidest people ever. .

  6. Funny how the liberals want to wipe out a generation of children not to mention our future. How soon before they want to do like China did and outlaw female births?

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