Thursday, May 16, 2024

GOP to Target Woke Pentagon and JCS Chairman Milley After Election


ANALYSIS – Yes, it's time to take back the military from woke radicals. Republicans plan to target the subversive and damaging leftist policies and leaders infecting the U.S. military once they take back the House in November.

And not a moment too soon.

This is according to two House leaders in

“All this in the military, we are going to be aggressively trying to root that stuff out,” said Rep. , R-Ala., the House Armed Services Committee ranking member.

He added that the GOP will be putting military personnel issues at the forefront of the agenda if his party retakes control of the chamber next year.

Rep. , R-Ind., a member of the House Armed Services Committee, also pledged that the GOP would continue to push the issues they have been vocal about over the last two years once they retake the House.

“Those are issues that we've been very passionate about in the minority, and I guarantee we'll be just as passionate about them when we get the majority,” Banks, a member of the U.S. Navy Reserve since 2012, said.

“When it comes to the posture hearings and the legislative process of the NDAA, I think you can expect more of the same from what you've seen the last couple of years.”

As Fox News reports, Rogers and Banks comments “come at a time when the military has struggled to meet recruiting goals, with the Army falling 25% short of the number in 2022, while the other branches were forced to dip into their pool of delayed entry program candidates heavily to squeak by, putting them behind for 2023.”

Rogers blames the recruitment crisis on the Pentagon's wokeness, arguing that rooting it all out would help with recruitment and retention.

noted that: “Republicans in have frequently criticized the Biden administration's handling of the nation's armed forces, including COVID-19 vaccine mandates that have threatened to kick service members out of the military for not receiving the jab and mandatory diversity training that has been compared to critical race theory initiatives.”

Banks, who is also chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the largest conservative caucus in the House, assured that BLOCKING so-called ‘diversity' and ‘equity' initiatives based on neo-Marxist ‘critical race theory' (CRT), as well as leftist counter ‘extremism' efforts that target primarily conservatives and Christians in the military, would be a top GOP House priority.

Also, more specifically, according to NBC News, the House GOP leadership plans to grill the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General on several key issues, including the chaotic U.S. troop withdrawal from , the military's leftist wokeness and military readiness.

“For our members, he is a big lightning rod,” one Republican familiar with the House GOP plans told NBC News.

Many of Milley's problems began after he defended a course at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point involving critical race theory by arguing that leaders need to understand different viewpoints (though the course pushes CRT ideas as indoctrination and not as an alternate viewpoint), and falsely referred to the motivation behind the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol as ‘white rage.'

“I want to understand white rage, and I'm white. So, what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out,” Milley said during congressional testimony last June.

“Republicans want answers on a lot of things, and Mark Milley, because of his position and public comments, including in books, is the person to answer.”

His portrayal in several books, which he hasn't denied, is most damning. NBC News noted:

Since President took office, Milley has been cast in several books about the administration as a sharp critic of the former president. 

In the books, for which Milley did hours of interviews, he is cited as defying some of Trump's orders and comparing his actions to those of Hitler.

In the book “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year,” by two Washington Post reporters, Milley is quoted as telling aides he was concerned Trump would stage a coup after the 2020 election, referring to Hitler and saying, “This is a Reichstag moment.”

NBC News continued:

They [House Republicans] plan to argue that Milley was contemptuous and trying to seize Trump's military authority or powers, they said.

“President Trump was his boss, his commander in chief, and Milley was his subordinate. Milley's role is to provide his military advice and then carry out his orders, not undermine the president when he disagreed with him,” according to a second Republican familiar with the plans.

But it's not just House Republicans who question Milley's judgment, words and actions — a new course at the U.S. Naval Academy will examine whether Milley's behavior as chairman portrayed in the books violated the norms that govern civil-military relations and further politicized the military.

This congressional review and pushback on the increasingly leftist-dominated Pentagon leadership and organization is desperately needed and long overdue.

November can't come soon enough. ALD

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. It’s about time the warriors took back the military instead of the empowered campus radicals we have running it now. The military is for the purpose of defending the country against our enemies, not for the social justice reformers to use as a platform for their viewpoints. Too many of our past political “leaders” have tried to lead the advance of “wokeism” into our military and it coming back to haunt us now. Lord knows what would happen if Biden or someone like him gets us in a war…who would fight for us?

    • Cleaning house if they win the majority this November is an excellent idea. Let’s hope it’s not too late. Trump’s biggest mistake after winning was he didn’t clean house in all branches of our government, to include the military. He should have fired every person that obama appointed to office. They were only there to subvert all actions Trump and the GOP tried, and sadly they did a good job of that. obama was the one that fired most all of our true military leaders and replaced them with politicians in uniform. That’s now catching up to us.

  2. What he did while President Trump was in office is flat out treason. Disobeying a sitting President and lying to him and the country is disgraceful. He is just another puppet and needs to leave without pay or retirement. I hope we get accountability. Another one who is above the law and a Pelosi puppet.

  3. Woke is an English adjective meaning “alert to racial prejudice and discrimination” that originated in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for American Left ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans.


    Maybe the right wing needs a new dictionary.

    • Dictionaries, as predicted by George Orwell, have become purveyors of left-wing propaganda. They can’t be trusted. In any case, they are only supposed to reflect whatever is in common usage. If they don’t, they are not accurate. The use of the term “woke” in this article is accurate.

  4. The “problem” with the two-tiered justice system and absolute thirst for power to “transform” the United States is that at least half of the Country does not want this transformation. The elite Democrats, their minions in the Media and wealthy corporations just assumed they would always be in power.

    If US voters take back this power in November, which I hope and pray they do, those elitists will be in for the shock of their lives.

    Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)

  5. Milley is a” white rage” loonatic,this traitor, orchistrated a coup against Trump, he is a traitor to the core, and should be put in front of a firing squad, once he confesses his disloyalty to Trump.

  6. Most of the civilian leaders of the DoD and about 80% of those with stars on their shoulders should be fired. The recent IG’s report on the administration of the so-called “vaccine” mandate indicates that both federal law and military regulations are being flouted all over the map by commanding officers. Every one of them should be investigated.

  7. If anyone retires they should forced to be recall back to duty to face any charges. But also GOP need to have a bill that makes it possible it does not matter if you retire or resign to keep from being interview by an IG or other agency’s investigation’s. That could still be charged and possibly loss there pensions.

  8. Wokeness needs to be taken out of the military before it’s too late. And the GOP needs to stop the renaming of military bases named after Confederate generals. Going PC will do little to convince people to join the military. Woke people hate the military and will never enlist.

  9. Who promoted Milley to general. He isn’t gen
    officer material. He is a very weak, easily manipulated loser.

  10. I worry that the “progressives” are systematically weeding out all military people who can think for themselves and won’t go along with the vaccine mandates and “wokeness”. That goes for our police departments and sheriff’s offices, too They can populate our armed services and police departments with people who will just go along with whatever BS is ordered. When (If) the people take to the streets in protest, the progressives in power can just call them “domestic terrorists” and tell the military and poluce to just shoot them down “for the good of the nation”. There won’t be anyone left to say “Hell No!!!”
    Even if it doesn’t come to that, our military will be nothing but mind-numbed robots. We will become a paper tiger instead of the well honed fighting force we need to protect our freedom.

  11. Talk is cheap! How many promises does congress make and then it dies on the vine? In many aspects, Republicans are just as bad as the dem-o-rats!
    RNC is making a lot of promises folks! Better write them down so you short-memory folks will remember!

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