Thursday, May 16, 2024

Chinese Espionage Surging, Analysis Finds


According to consulting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), cyber- by the Chinese , and groups closely aligned with its interests, is surging.

A U.S. grand jury indicted members of an elite group of Chinese hackers in 2020. However, far from dissuading the spy ring, the network has redoubled its efforts.

As CNN reports:

The findings highlight the biggest cyber-espionage challenge facing the administration: combating a Chinese program that the  has called more prolific than that of all other governments in the world combined.

The Justice Department has aggressively sought to expose the alleged data-stealing campaigns through indictments, and made the case that Chinese hackers have robbed American companies of intellectual property, causing huge losses. But -based hackers have often developed new tools or otherwise altered their operations, according to analysts.

One of the Chinese groups tracked by PwC has targeted dozens of US organizations in the last year, including government agencies and software or tech firms, said Kris McConkey, who leads PwC's global cyber threat intelligence practice. The intruders often comb networks for data that could offer insights into foreign or policy, he said, but also dabble in cryptocurrency schemes for personal profit. He declined to detail what types of US government agencies, whether at the federal, state or local level, were targeted.

“They are, by far, the most active and globally impactful [hacking group] that we track at the minute,” McConkey, who closely follows China-based hackers, told . He believes the attackers have been successful in breaching at least some organizations because they operate on a vast scale, targeting organizations in at least 35 countries this year alone.

Members of both parties have expressed concerns about this national security threat.

Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


  1. I know this won’t go over big with the left wingers, but first this country needs to get control of it’s borders, then we need to get back to restricting the numbers of immigration from each country coming to the United States. We did that back in the very early years of the 1900’s and it worked very well for our country. The way we just allow our country to be invaded by illegals, as well as legals, will eventually destroy our republic. We know the left won’t do this because they only care about keeping power, so they pander to the migrants in hopes that they will support them in their quest to eliminate our constitutional republic and install their version of a socialist government, with them in charge of course.

  2. We’re in a Cold War with China that they’ve already won and most Americans are ignorant because the Politicians want them to be or, like the Biden’s, were bribed to be silent. In fact, Biden is so weak, feckless and compromised to China that they can threaten the U.S. and Biden says nothing! Probably because of the eleven million dollars he and his son got in an illegal “pay for play” deal from a Chinese energy company when he was VP.

    80% of our pharmaceutical ingredients come from China as well as most of our antibiotics, most of the lithium battery market and virtually all of our solar panels, Most of our computer chips (that are vital for everything from our military equipment, cars, obviously computers, infrastructure and even all our appliances), come from either China or Taiwan. There are over 300,000 Chinese students in American Universities (getting advanced degrees in science and technology, (not gender studies) where many end up employed in our government or defense industries and are obligated, by Chinese law, to spy for the CCP if asked. The Chinese are allowed to buy huge amounts of American farmland and whatever corporations they want. Smithfield ham (which was America’s largest pork producer) is now owned by the Chinese. Eric Swalwell (who is on the House intelligence committee”) slept with a Chinese spy and was never investigated or suffered any consequences. Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy on her staff for twenty years with no investigation or consequence.

    China is constantly increasing its military capabilities including hypersonic missiles that we don’t even have. Their army is way larger than ours and now so is their Navy. We can’t even meet 70% of our recruiting goals for all the armed forces, yet we discharged a hundred thousand (included elite Navy SEALS and Army Rangers) because they weren’t vaccinated. Now they are teaching CRT and are painting “rainbow bullets” on Marine helmets. The Chinese are rolling on the ground laughing.

    Meanwhile, our government ignores the biggest threat and sends all of our military hardware (that they didn’t abandon to the Taliban) and endless billions (74 billion so far) to the corrupt government of Ukraine. Biden says that we will continue sending billions “for as long as it takes” to fight a proxy war to oust Putin that we didn’t want, was never in our national security interest, didn’t vote on, can’t win, and could even possibly start WWIII. Even though Putin was never our biggest threat and we act as if the 30 NATO member nations wouldn’t be enough to stop Putin if he decided to attack the west. In fact, we provoked Putin by pushing Ukraine to join NATO even though they were always an eastern bloc nation and actually part of Russia before the USSR collapsed. And, oh yeah, all the Democrats and the war mongering Republicans (like Lindsey Graham and Liz Cheney) shout we must “protect their sovereignty and territorial integrity” while we have exactly zero sovereignty with a completely open border that lets in millions of unvaccinated illegals including criminals, cartels, terrorists (90 caught so far) and the Chinese made fentanyl that kills 173 American citizens every single day.

    Trump talked about all of the above and was spot on and that’s why they’ve tried to destroy him and call all of his supporters “fascists”. We are in the most dangerous place in our foreign policy that we have ever been. Have you had enough yet America?

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