Thursday, May 16, 2024

Our View on the Future of Policing


Though Tuesday didn't bring the results that would have probably better advanced issues, there's still hope. For now, hope is what we must hold on tightly to, because without it, we will most certainly fail.

Let's discuss!

Do you feel hopeful about the future of policing and our country? Let me know in the comments section.

Our Problems Aren't Political as Much as They Are Moral

The current crisis didn't materialize from a vacuum – it's but one symptom of a nation in moral decline. While policing is the key issue I've chosen to advocate for, it's far from the only one plaguing our nation.

I've already outlined some of our nation's greatest threats and problems within various posts – including herehere, and here.

Sound policy crafted by our political class could correct at least some of this. , however, has been corrupted and broken. There are few patriots in positions of power looking out for the welfare of our nation.

Our Political Climate is a Reflection of Us

The reason we can't attract decent candidates or elect politicians who put the country first is because this is where we, the people, are at as a society right now. If we're distraught by our political class, it's because this is what we've managed to attract and tolerate. It's similar to how when you don't respect yourself, you attract toxic people into your life.

Is it any wonder we're experiencing these crises?

The elements that have helped make our nation great are in steep declineThe family unit is disintegrating. Fewer Americans are practicing their faith. People lack a sense of purpose. Work ethic has decreased. Thoughtful discourse has been replaced with dumbed down social . A record number of Americans don't feel a sense of patriotism.

These are the basic tenets of American life – they're central to the success of our nation, as well as to each of us as individuals. There is no program or politician that can fix these things for us.

Is This the Future of Policing?

The amazing Team South Florida summarized the fallout from the war on cops quite nicely.

“We keep getting sent this video. It's awful. *In general* expect more of this with lower hiring standards, a different mindset signing up, and continued promotions not based on quality or those deserving.”

This is happening because politicians have bent to the mob's demands, weak police leaders have placed career ambition and self-preservation before the badge, and the citizenry has tolerated it.

Despite All of This Negativity, There's Hope

Last Tuesday's elections didn't go as anticipated. In Wisconsin, I was hoping for a different outcome for the gubernatorial race, because it would have improved the odds of having a pro-police bill signed into law.

This doesn't mean I'm ready to give up on it. Once I meet with the state senator, I'll be in a better position to decide whether to pursue the bill. For now, I'm still working on the proposal as if nothing's changed.

Additionally, I've been networking with others who share my concerns about law enforcement and making new contacts along the way.

I'm also heartened by what fellows at the Manhattan Institute had to say about the elections.

In part,

“Though many results are still outstanding, the balance of last night's results suggest that voters' persistent fears about public safety—they routinely ranked it as a top concern in —played a significant role in shaping the outcome. Lee Zeldin's strong showing, the closest the losing candidate has come to the governorship since 1994, can almost certainly be explained by his single-issue emphasis on rising in the state, and the reforms that Hochul backed and which have contributed to the problem.

And in Wisconsin,

“. . .the difference between Tony Evers's successful reelection and Mandela Barnes' (at time of writing) likely narrow loss may be attributed to Barnes's support for the defund the police movement. Even in bright-blue Oakland, —home of Berkeley—voters turned against progressive prosecutor Pamela Price, preferring her more traditional opponent Terry Wiley for Alameda County District Attorney. In an evening where Republicans underperformed expectations, an emphasis on public safety was still a boost, suggesting that voters across the spectrum still care about a sane criminal justice policy.”

Politics can't be our only focus. While we should fight (peacefully and positively!) for the country we want, we also need to take care of ourselves and those we care about.

Former Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate, Joan Beglinger summed it up well in this morning's The Beglinger Blast.

“We have the power to change, and our freedom depends on it. Individually, we can choose to:

·         Live a moral life. Know what we believe and stand for it.

·         Seek the truth wherever it leads.

·         Make our families strong and teach our children how to live.

·         Accept personal accountability for our choices.

·         Do what is required to take care of ourselves. Pursue our dreams and resist coveting what others have.

·         Be informed and engaged. Apathy and complacency brought us to this place.

Reversing generations of decline will not be quick or easy. The tennis great Arthur Ashe offered sage advice to those faced with a monumental challenge: “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

Whatever you do, don't fall into a state of despair. We've got this!

Your turn: What's on your mind?

This article originally appeared in For the Blue. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.

READ NEXT: SEE IT: The Shockingly Racist Policing Scandal That Never Happened >>


  1. Sadly, I feel completely hopeless regarding the future of the country and the 2024 election. There is precious little joy in the world and our country and mostly due to the incompetent, evil person, King Biden.

  2. Future Policing:

    More robots used
    Automate prison & jail guards
    Biometric ID
    Redefine crimes
    Merge prisons
    Rerun the chain gang for work for inmates in local Jail
    X Train
    OK Home defense for voters
    Remote juries for trials use 2 way Video Live feed
    Improve training

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