Saturday, May 4, 2024

Dick’s Sporting Goods Divulges True Cost of Gun Control Crusade


America's largest sporting goods retailer paid a high price after it stopped selling assault weapons and restricted other gun sales.

But we didn't know how much Dick's Sporting Goods' woke policies cost, until now.

According to The Truth About , the company admitted in a recent interview that restricting gun sales cost Dick's (and its shareholders) approximately $250 million.

The Truth About Guns continues:

That's probably an understatement. When the pandemic hit, gun stores saw lines of people waiting to buy firearms, ammo, and accessories. Meanwhile, over at No-Guns Dick's, corporate was furloughing employees as fast as their printers could pump out the pink slips. They sent 40,000 employees home when sales fell off a cliff and gun retailers were doing land office business.

Rather than rolling in profits, Dick's now touts its new “Public Lands” chain which it has created to replace many of its former Field & Stream stores. The new woke outlet sells premium-priced, socially-conscious outdoor apparel and gear (don't tell their customers a lot of it is actually petroleum-based) representing the company's latest new vision for a firm's firearm-free sales strategy.

Fast Company story about the new brand covers now-former CEO Ed Stack's fateful decision, following the Parkland shooting, to stop selling what author Talib Visram calls “automatic” weapons.

I'm not sure Dick's ever sold automatic weapons, but I know they sold guns, especially at their Field & Stream stores.  They also unilaterally began discriminating against younger Americans — where they still sold firearms — refusing to sell them guns or ammunition, even where state and local allows allowed it.

ALN Staff
ALN Staff
ALN Staff is a dedicated group of liberty-minded professionals available 24/7 to keep you informed on the news that matters.


  1. I have not spend one penny there since they took a position against my rights and beliefs and I will never spend another penny there.

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