Saturday, May 4, 2024

Trump’s ‘Major Announcement’ Revealed – Are You Disappointed?


Former President teased a “major announcement” on his social platform yesterday, saying, in part, “America needs a superhero.”

The post showed a cartoon of a superhero Trump, complete with six-pack abs and laser beams shooting out of his eyes.

No further information was provided, leading to speculation. Would he announce a major change-up to his presidential campaign or publicly weigh in on the GOP's House speaker race?

Instead, Trump wanted the world to know that for $99 you can buy an , essentially a digital trading card, of the 45th president pretending to be an astronaut in outer space or a celebrity on the red carpet.

Yahoo! Entertainment has more:

On a website called, the 45th president is selling a series of artworks featuring likenesses of himself depicted as a superhero with laser eyes, an astronaut, a John Wayne-like cowboy and a golfer – along with, of course, a dark-suited Trump surrounded by gold bars.

In a video accompanying the launch, Trump says they are “just like a baseball card, or other collectibles.”

The reveal Thursday morning came after Trump teased a “major announcement” on his platform Wednesday. The post had fans and critics speculating that he was going to announce a running mate for his third campaign for president or perhaps even drop out as he sags in early .

NFTs are units of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable.

Many pundits are criticizing the announcement as a money-making scam.

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


    • I’m so embarrassed I had to vote for him twice. We need a real hero in 2024, not this charlatan again. I’m getting to where I can’t stand him anymore. I’m beginning to sympathize with King Henry II. English history records that, in 1170, King Henry II, frustrated by opposition from Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, asked his court: “Will none of these lazy insignificant persons, whom I maintain, deliver me from this troublesome priest?” Substitute me for King Henry and Trump the Real Estate Mogul for Sir Thomas.

      • When the nobles did indeed assassinate Thomas Becket, making a martyr out of him, Henry was devastated. Also, it set off a civil war within his own family, so that his sons and even his WIFE (Eleanor of Aquitaine) waged war against him in England and France.
        The problem with Trump is that when he first came on the scene, he was the only candidate talking about the REAL issues that concerned Americans, issues like invasion, that were being ignored by the oblivious RINOs in charge, but now he is obsessed with 2020 and remaining relevant with silly stunts and saying stupid things about potential competitors. So now we’re getting all the embarrassing Trump, and none of the excellent policies Trump, and fans are leaving him in droves.

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