Sunday, May 5, 2024

CDC Deletes Reference to Dr. Gary Kleck’s Study to Please Anti-Gunners


I was raised to keep my mouth shut about things of which I have no personal knowledge or .

I know guns. I grew up with guns. I own guns. I was trained to safely handle and use guns. I have fired guns in competition and while hunting, but I have never fired a gun at another person.

In a study from 1992, Dr. , a criminology professor at State University (FSU), found that a firearm is used 2.5 MILLION times a year for defensive purposes by law-abiding citizens.

The Kleck study drove anti-gun extremists crazy and they scrambled, unsuccessfully, to discredit it. 

Now they are attacking Dr. Kleck again, and the Centers for Disease Control () has deleted a reference to the study after gun-control advocates complained that it made passing new restrictions more difficult.

A news outlet (The Reload) reported that in a recent private meeting with CDC officials,  advocates complained about criminologist Gary Kleck's work.

“[T]hat 2.5 Million number needs to be killed, buried, dug up, killed again and buried again,” said Mark Bryant, one of the attendees, in an email to CDC officials after their meeting.

Bryant argued that Kleck's study has been damaging to the political prospects of passing new gun restrictions and should be eliminated from the CDC's website.

Kleck's study is compelling and based on facts. Criminals are not totally stupid, they don't want to be shot, so they run away from armed citizens. In fact, the U.S. Justice Department Study commissioned the Wright-Rossi study of incarcerated felons in U.S. prisons concerning their attitude about guns.

The study found that 80% of incarcerated felons admitted that they had avoided committing a for fear of being shot.

Being familiar with the Wright-Rossi study, Kleck said: “Civilians shoot a lot of criminals, more than police do. Criminals know this and it stops them from committing crimes.” 

On a personal level, I admit that twice I have POINTED a gun at attackers and both times they ran away so I didn't have to shoot. 

Recently, I saw an article that reported a total of 45,034 “gun violence” deaths in the U.S. in 2021. Of those so-called “gun violence deaths,” roughly 24,000 were suicides and 21,000 were “homicides.” The inclusion of suicides with a gun in the number of so-called “gun violence” deaths is a blatant manipulation of statistics to satisfy a political purpose.

The definition of homicide is the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another.  Suicide is defined as injuring oneself with the intent to die. While suffocation, poisoning, drug overdose and hanging suicides are classified as “self-harm deaths,” suicides with a gun are politically classified as “gun violence” deaths.

Clearly, law-abiding gun owners who are prepared to defend themselves present a problem for people who want to ban guns.

In all probability, people who want to ban guns have never owned a gun much less fired a gun. My grandfather used to say: “Don't put your mouth in motion before you put your brain in gear.” That was good advice then and it's good advice now.

For over 150 years the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) has been educating, training and providing factual information to law-abiding people about guns. Additionally, NRA has been on the front line fighting to protect the and your right to own and carry a gun for lawful purposes.

Consequently, the folks who want to ban guns better be prepared for a fight because the facts and the Constitution are not on their side.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Marion P. Hammer
Marion P. Hammer
NRA Past President; First woman President in NRA's history; Current Board member; Nominated by the NRA Nominating Committee; NRA Benefactor member; Legislative consultant/lobbyist; Strong supporter of NRA-ILA; Media spokesperson/debater; Responsible for Florida's pro-gun lobbying/defeating antigun legislation; Author, public speaker and instructor, works with/promotes Junior programs; Unified Sportsmen of Florida Executive Director/43 years; National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association: former Director, Secretary; Former competitive shooter: rifle, pistol; Hunter; Major Awards: NRA-ILA Legislative Achievement; Multiple NRA-ILA Service Awards; CCRKBA's Lifetime Achievement Award; Florida's Outstanding Woman Achievement Award; Florida Women's Hall of Fame, inducted 2005; Sybil Ludington Women's Freedom Award; Roy Rogers "Man of the Year" Award (first woman ever to receive award); American Handgunner Top Ten; National Safety Council's 1993 "Outstanding Community Service Award" for creating NRA's Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program for children; Staunch defender and protector of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.


  1. You’re wrong on definition of homicide; it is ANY killing of one person by another person. The killing may be legal OR illegal. Thus many homicides are legal, by either police or another citizen in self defense. This, in fact, makes your case even stronger!

  2. Defense of person or property does not always involve another person. In defense of property, a vegetable garden, I used a .22 rifle to reduce gopher predation on my plants. That is by definition a defensive use of a firearm which could not expeditiously be conducted without one – and is probably not even taken into consideration in the statistics. That was twelve defensive uses of a firearm last summer. Get that into your statistics. It is definitely not an insignificant defense of firearm ownership.

  3. Why is the CDC now censoring free speech? They should stick with what they do best, hurting the American people. They proved during covid they were not to be trusted. They rank right there with the FBI for being trusted.

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