Friday, May 3, 2024

Marines Urged by Woke Study to Use Gender-Neutral Terms in Boot Camp


ANALYSIS – In the most glaring example of wokeness in the military, which the Marine Commandant recently claimed wasn't an issue in our beloved Corps, jarheads are being urged not to use sir or ma'am in Marine boot camp.

According to the Marine Corps Times, this is seen as part of a sweeping effort to avoid ‘misgendering' drill instructors. This is something all Marines know has been a huge and pressing issue at boot camp for decades, as we have so many non-binary and trans drill instructors.

Please note my sarcasm.

The recommendation is part of a massive, recently completed, 738-page academic report from the University of Pittsburgh, which was commissioned by the Corps in 2020.

Instead of sir or ma'am the 22 University of Pittsburgh Academics that concocted the study – headed by biologists Bradley C. Nindl and Mita Lovalekar, recommend aspiring privates call their superiors by their last names. 

The study notes that other military branches have made strides to “de-emphasize gender” by using other names instead. 

The Marine Corps Times reports:

Instead of saying ‘ma'am' or ‘sir,' recruits in these Services refer to their drill instructors using their ranks or roles followed by their last names. Gendered identifiers prime recruits to think about or visually search for a drill instructor's gender first, before their rank or role.

The far-left report is riddled with other woke ideas and includes a detailed study on improving gender integration at boot camp.

One important figure who thankfully appeared hesitant about this gender-neutral proposal was Col. Howard Hall, chief of staff for Marine Corps Training and Command.

Hall and others maintain that even if the Corps implements the change at its training facilities, recruits will then need to re-adapt to again addressing senior officers by ‘sir' or ‘ma'am' when they enter the fleet, as Marines in the real world would likely not enforce the rule.

 Hall told the Marine Corps Times, in slightly mangled terms, and some big words:

Honestly, that's not a quick fix. What are inculcating in our young recruits that will or will not be reinforced when they graduate and enter the fleet Marine force? So again, we want to avoid any quick-fix solutions that introduce perturbations down the line.

And yes, while we all want to avoid ‘perturbations' down the line, more importantly we want to avoid sheer idiocy right now.

Maybe our Marine officers should learn to be blunter.

This study also shows why the military needs to stop relying so much on outside consultants and academics, and their idiotic, ideologically-driven studies, to guide its policies. ALD

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. Using the Military superior’s last name is not proper command protocol. In fact it might actually be insulting. Why the Military asked a civilian collage or university to study boot camp procedures is also just plain STUPID. Why not ask some 1st graders?

    • I wonder how many of the study leaders have actually served in the Marines, or any other military service? What a dumb f**king idea.

  2. I served in the Marine Corps and I can tell you this~~A lot of good people will not join a USMC that puts on the sadly pathetic joke that is the yoke of the Woke that makes all things broke.

    • Thank you for your service . But are you sure people won’t want to join the new and fabulous and extra proud marines . I mean the pillow fight night and trans dance show wensdays and pronoun Tuesdays are a major factor. God forbid we get into a war with these woke jokes werw screwed

  3. We no longer have a military. We have woke jokes who wouldn’t know how to fight a war because of the pronouns. The Woke the Proud and Fabulous the Marines

  4. What gender is “maggot”? Contrasting the inanity of this report and accompanying mindset is the reality that the Marine Corps is still the most traditional, or as some wag put it, “247 years of tradition, unfettered by progress.” In the front lines, the identifier is “target” or “target of opportunity.” Everyone else is either “Sir” or “Ma’am”, regardless of their preference or my opinion of them.

  5. didn’t realize that service branch/rank/last name had a gender associated. beyond that, ‘you’, ‘they’, and ‘it’ should suffice.

  6. This is just more of the blatant attacks on this country’s heritage and traditions–all of it designed, as that socialist scumbag and racist pos Barack O’fukinbama indicated, to fundamentally transform this nation away from its roots.




  8. One of my all time, never forgotten favorites from Basic Training is “I don’t want you think that I’m unfriendly so I want you to call me by my first name.”. “Hey great, what’s your first name?” Pause, “Drill Sergeant!”.

  9. This is part of the woke agenda to ultimately criminalize non-woke gender terminology. The LGBTQ+ campaign to project their “gender identity” on to the people around them got a huge boost under Obama, until Trump shut it down. But, the current administration is pushing it. Sec Def Austin and Gen Milley signaled their approval for it as part of the 60 day military “stand down” to “root out extremism” in the ranks. 
    The LGBTQ+ crew want to add specific offenses to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). They want a criminal offense of “misgendering” for any one who (even accidentally) misidentifies their preferred gender pronouns. That list genders is now up to what, more than 60?
    Further, they want to codify a hate crime of “gender discrimination”, to punish people who do not agrre to date them. 
    1SG, USA, Ret

  10. My sainted Father the decorated Marine war hero is surely spinning in his grave. The Armed Services at the mercy of a few misquided, unprincipled or spineless Joint Chiefs on the gravy train, have abandoned tradition, military discipline and pure, old-fashioned COMMON SENSE. I would not today’s Corps.

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