Friday, May 3, 2024

FBI Now Going After Its Critics as ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Spreading ‘Misinformation’


ANALYSIS – Be very afraid. It just keeps getting worse. Under Joe Biden, the is daily being further weaponized against its critics and critics of the administration's chosen narratives.

Following the disclosures that the FBI was in regular contact with employees to ensure they censored speech they designated ‘misinformation,' the Bureau attacked anyone who criticized them by, you guessed it – calling it ‘misinformation.'

It also called these FBI critics – ‘conspiracy theorists.'

This is a favorite leftwing buzz phrase often used to smear conservatives.

The most recent outrage came when the FBI made a statement to this week after journalists posted screenshots of messages showing how FBI agents communicated with top Twitter officials relating to reports and potential posts about Hunter Biden.

In its response statement, rather than addressing the valid concerns, the Bureau slammed its critics as ‘conspiracy theorists' spreading misinformation.'

And one legal expert, constitutional law professor , is sounding the alarm.

He told Fox News that it is a “menacing thing” for the nation's largest agency to declare that “combatting ” is one of its top priorities and then attack advocates for criticizing them.

The Epoch Times reports:

A spokesperson for the FBI told Fox News, in response to several “Twitter Files” installments, that “conspiracy theorists” are “feeding the American public misinformation” and said they are trying to discredit the bureau and its agents.

That statement, Turley told Fox News, is “disturbing” because the FBI has allegedly “attacked many of us who were raising free speech concerns and called all of us collectively ‘conspiracy theorists spreading disinformation.'

“It was highly inappropriate, because the FBI has said that combatting disinformation is one of its priorities. So, it is a very menacing thing when you have the largest law enforcement agency attacking free speech advocates,” Turley, a professor of law at George Washington University who served as an expert witness during former President 's first impeachment inquiry, told the outlet.

The FBI's outrageous response comes after journalist Michael Shellenberger wrote about the outrageous FBI-Twitter collusion:

“What I quickly put together is a pattern where it appears that FBI agents, along with former FBI agents within the company [Twitter], were engaged in a disinformation campaign aimed at top Twitter and Facebook executives, as well as at top news organization executives to basically prepare them, prime them, get them set up to dismiss Hunter Biden information when it would be released.”

Turley noted that Twitter's new owner Elon Musk “has confirmed that the FBI paid social companies to help them deal with what they called disinformation, which most of us call censorship.”

Turley added to Fox that the FBI was “in continuous communication [with Twitter], as were other agencies, targeting specific citizens and specific posters to be banned or suspended.”

“That really does smack of an agency relationship and that could violate the First Amendment,” he warned.

But be very afraid, because things are now getting worse.

Now the FBI may also be coming after anyone who points out this and demonstrated FBI-Big Tech collusion for being a “conspiracy theorist” spreading “misinformation.” ALD

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


    • Our mistake is not keeping our government in fear of us. Like keeping wild animals, you can never let them have the upper hand or feel superior to your command. If they do, they will seize control of the situation and do exactly what wild animals do, put YOU in your place. The government’s place is doing our bidding not what they are doing now. They are ignoring their oath to the Constitution and following a flawed ideology put forth by an insane psychopath who hated God, named Karl Marx, over a hundred years ago. Is that how we intend to have the history books record the end of the United States of America? I think not.

    • I don’t even know what that means. Are you for Trump (just can’t type) or against him and this “sentence” is supposed to explain it? Who is U anyway? Like U-Haul or U-Store or what?

  1. It is a well known fact that “conspiracy theorists “ are now truth tellers and the democrat party’s FBI think of tell the truth as a crime, and it is their duty to the democrat communist party to harass and swat team anyone that engages in telling the truth! Sadly the weak minded believe them.

  2. We’ve all got to realize that the FBI, DOJ, and intelligence agencies have to be completely dismantled. While there may be some negative consequences of doing this, they are FAR outweighed by the consequences of not doing so.

  3. What about Hunter’s Gun Purchases, which were seemingly in violation of existing federal law. Feel free to correct me should I be in error.

    • That is one of the examples of the double standard that exists for our elites and politicians, the families and friends, if they belong to the “correct” party. The correct party is not the GOP either. If you are a Republican or conservative or religious or believe abortion is murder, you are not in the favored party. If you are a black Republican or independent who does not toe the democrat line, you are in the wrong party and will be insulted, possibly investigated, or intimidated by the “correct” party. So when Hunter Biden lies on a federal form to buy a firearm, not much of a crime really, but a crime nonetheless, his sister in law / girl friend throws it in a dumpster on the street some place, a picker picks it out of the dumpster and then somehow the Secret Service retrieves it and cleans up the mess, we’re just supposed to ignore it. If we don’t, we are the criminals. A textbook example of tyranny, from our executive branch and Joe Biden’s stooges, existing in our America.

  4. Please allow time for our comments to appear….All comments must be approved by the FBI & DOJ prior to posting….

  5. In the end, the truth will prevail. It usually does and those involved in the cover- up will pay. The constitutional is far stronger than the FBI or even our so called president.

  6. The FBI and the DOJ are now provably weaponized against the political opposition. Someone please tell me how that is any different from how the Stasi in East Germany operated or the KGB in Russia?

    . There are never any consequences for Democrats but Republicans are subject to dozens of highly publicized FBI SWAT style raids, indictments, and even jail time. There were no consequences for the head of the FBI and dozens of his agents who, in collusion with Hillary Clinton and all the Democrats and all the mainstream and social media lied about a fake “dossier” and instituted a failed “Special Prosecutor” and two unsuccessful impeachments to oust a duly elected President. No consequences for Hillary deleting subpoenaed documents on her illegal server. And no consequences for Hunter flying around the world with his Dad on Air Force 2 making illegal “pay for play” deals worth tens of millions with hostile foreign powers. Deals that his Dad lied and said he knew nothing about, even though he got his 10% cut and can be seen meeting with Hunter’s business partners. Of course, now we know that the FBI told Facebook to bury the Hunter Biden laptop story and gets private information from Facebook on conservative users in return. Twitter met with the FBI weekly to decide what stories to label as “disinformation” and also conspired with the FBI and all the Democrats and all the mainstream media to bury the Hunter Biden story to throw the 2020 election. That’s called election interference and it’s blatantly illegal. Unless this is stopped soon we will become a completely totalitarian regime. Just like every other Socialist/Communist state in history.

  7. Congress now has to decide if they will clean up the FBI,CIA, NSA That are being weaponized against the people by BIDEN

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