Friday, May 3, 2024

Media Still Lying About Florida’s Conservative Cultural Revolution


ProPublica tells us the terrifying story of a sociologist having to change his teaching because of the oppression of Gov. . The Stop Woke Act means that he can no longer teach his college classes about how white oppression and racial injustice are the base structure of American society.

There are two problems with this story:

But a clash with state law seemed inevitable, once Florida's governor, Ron , proposed what he called the strongest legislation in the nation against “the state-sanctioned racism that is critical race theory.” Last April, DeSantis signed the Individual Freedom Act, also known as the “Stop Woke Act,” into law. It bans teaching that one race or gender is morally superior to another and prohibits teachers from making students feel guilty for past discrimination by members of their race. And it specifically bars portraying racial colorblindness — which the law labels a virtue — as racist.

The first problem would be that we are – repeatedly – told that CRT is a theory met in graduate classes in law school. So, we might be happy enough that this doesn't then infest sociology classes and the basic college level. Things that are discussed – perhaps the American legal system is not colorblind – at one level of might not be appropriate to be taught as background facts at lower levels. Jus' sayin', given that the defense of CRT is the idea that it's only a theory in law schools.

But the much bigger problem is that, as we've noted before, the Stop Woke Act doesn't detail anything at all about college-level classes. The restrictions on teaching apply only – solely – to K-12. Yes, there are other laws and details of this one about what can be insisted upon as a condition of employment and so on but there are no rules nor restrictions upon what a college professor may decide to teach. Well, you know, other than hopefully some connection with reality and what the college administration is happy to have taught.

The entire story is based upon an error. But sadly an error is, as our earlier story showed, one that is being enthusiastically promulgated. CRT is not banned in colleges in Florida. Yet we get repeated stories about how it is.

ProPublica ranks at No. 357 for news and outlets and gains some 3.5 million monthly visits from that position. However, it supplies articles to other outlets, so its influence is much greater than that.

This is the second time that we've seen this claim – Florida's laws about K-12 education impact what happens in college. This just isn't true. K-12 laws are about K-12. It is, of course, possible that media outlets don't understand this, even that college professors in Florida don't, but that wouldn't reflect well upon either of them. Nor would the alternative explanation, that they wish to mislead us – or even misinform.

This article originally appeared in Accuracy in Media. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.


  1. Hopefully the globalists and their demonrat criminal party and their irs CRIMINAL organization will audit all their demonrat criminal voters claiming to earn $10k – $20k each week .

  2. The new media and other media out let’s have been in bed with the democratic party foe years. I can remember when the news media was always on the side of the people.
    But now they are own by elite docrats and as you can see the print media is a dying breed.

  3. I’m perplexing at how these people see the world. Where did they get that disjointed thinking? My friend is a Sargent on the Houston Police Force and told me two days ago that in 20 years on the force he has NEVER seen a White on Black crime committed – not that there isn’t any because there are. But 99% of the crime in Houston is Black on Whites and non-black and especially Black on Black crime – many associated with drug dealing – all of them robberies or assaults. In some parts of town its Hispanic on black and white. Many fatal. I don’t care what they do for a living – teachers are the worst and the least qualified to teach what America is and isn’t. The woke are not well. They aren’t conscious to the reality in the world. And those of us who tolerate this – don’t realize this is 1% of the world making 99% of you dance to their BS tune

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