Sunday, May 5, 2024

GOP Candidate Arrested in Connection to Shootings at Democratic Officials’ Homes and Offices


A failed Republican candidate for the Legislature finds himself behind bars this morning.

According to authorities, , 39, conspired with four other men to shoot up the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators — all Democrats.

Speaking to NBC News, Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina said investigators believe Peña was the group's ringleader.

Peña expressed anger after losing his election in November, baselessly claiming that election fraud played a role in his 48-point defeat.

NBC News‘ Dennis Romero explains:

Pena lost his state House challenge to incumbent Democrat Miguel P. Garcia by 5,679 to 2,033, or 74% to 26%.

He took his case to three county commissioners and a state senator — some whose homes were targeted in the shootings — to no avail, Gallegos said.

“He had complaints about his election he felt being rigged,” Gallegos said. “As the mayor said, he was an — he doesn't want to accept the results of his election.”

One of the meetings with local and state leaders became heated, he said.

The shootings started a short time after that.

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ALN Staff
ALN Staff
ALN Staff is a dedicated group of liberty-minded professionals available 24/7 to keep you informed on the news that matters.


  1. When did we receive certificate s of authenticated votes when legal verification of voters legal cards were visually inspected at the ballot voting station,fraud with vote ballot harvesting has become a nationwide issue,all voters must be verified,o stopping fraud will cease,any election done by mail only is invalid,stopping voter fraud is mandatory!!!

  2. god and his globalists and his demonrat criminal party and his rino criminal party don’t even try to attract American voters, they rely on their voter fraud and their usps CRIMINAL organization to appoint/reappoint them .

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