Saturday, May 4, 2024

US Officials Say Russia Developing Fabricated Video to Justify Invading Ukraine


Senior U.S. officials have revealed that the Kremlin is preparing to make a fabricated video to justify an invasion of . According to officials speaking on the condition of anonymity, the intelligence community has evidence that intends to produce a graphic video as a pretext for invasion.

Analysts claim that any doctored footage would either show an ambush of Russian soldiers in a border raid by Ukraine or a massacre of ethnic Russians living in Ukraine.

As USA Today reports:

The military equipment used in the fabricated attack will be made to look like it is Ukrainian or from allied nations, the officials said.

U.S. officials believe that Russia will release the fake video publicly to make it appear that Ukraine is a threat to Moscow's security and to justify a military assault on its neighbor.

The intelligence comes as U.S. officials have warned of a possible Russian attack against Ukraine and as the U.S. and its NATO allies have been engaged in diplomatic talks with Moscow to avert a war.

According to The Washington Post, Russia has already hired actors for the video.

The plan is related to but separate from other plots that have been disclosed by Western intelligence, including Russia's placement of saboteurs in eastern Ukraine and another alleged scheme, revealed last month by the British government, to destabilize the Ukrainian government and install a pro-Russian figure at its head, officials said.

Senior members of the intelligence community say the latest plan was formulated by Russian security services and is in the advanced stages of preparation.

The is expected to release the full details of the plan later today.

In the meantime, Russia's ambassador to the vigorously denies the Biden administration's charges.


ALN Staff
ALN Staff
ALN Staff is a dedicated group of liberty-minded professionals available 24/7 to keep you informed on the news that matters.


  1. Double propaganda reverse psychology anyone? Where is proof? Why not show us the footage? Watch the recent Putin interview with NBC and all of a sudden it all makes sense. What happened with keeping the Balkans neutral? And why did Putin take back the Crimean peninsula, a gift from Kruschov to Ukraine in the 1950s? Another Turkey? Alaska? Those American ‘experts’ and the press never talks about the NATO jet and Drone flyovers on that region. They never mention that it was Kiev who was separatist and replaced the local governments in the eastern Ukraine who didn’t want to break away from Russia and become another NATO outpost. No. They label those Ukrainians in the East “separatists” and “false flag” operatives. You won’t see proof of this alleged Russian propaganda video. Because I am pretty sure it doesn’t exist.

  2. If ….Senior U.S. officials were Russians, they would have fabricated a “Gulf Of Tonkin” or “Iraq WMD” style False Flag event, so that is why they suspected it.

  3. False claims. Globalists want war because their grand plan is crumbling around the world. People wake up, we must not fall for this stuff!

  4. Nobody, nobody with any common sense believes this. Dukene has nothing to gain from attacking Russia this is absolutely preposterous and everyone knows it

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