Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Biden Got Republicans to Play Into His Hands – Do This Next Time


It has been said of that he was from Hollywood, but his values were Main Street. The public sensed this and responded to Reagan because he resonated with their own values. The and Democrats predicted his demise from the moment he ran against Pat Brown for California Governor in 1966. Time and time again, he confounded them with his humor that disarmed every political adversary.

advertises himself as ‘fighting Joe from Scranton,' but his values are those of the elites at Davos. His rhetoric is that of anger and rage. Rather than principled stands, his positions are based upon lies and the of resentment. He pits Americans against Americans, as seen in his MAGA Republican speeches and attacks on law enforcement.

Yet with an agenda that is too far out of the mainstream for most Americans, is winning the PR war and critical independent voters.

How is this possible?

First, he has the massive mainstream media advantage. Everything that Biden and the Democrats say, the media praises and endorses. Most newscasts and talk shows should be considered paid advertising for Biden. Think inflation is high?  is out of control? Not according to the media and Joe Biden.

Most Americans are seeing through this. They know the media is in the tank for Biden and the Democrats. That is why trust in the media is at the lowest of all time (cockroaches are more popular than the media). But it still helps Biden with the PR war.

Next, Republicans are like Charlie Brown with Lucy and the football, we keep falling for the same play over and over. Biden's address like all his speeches was filled with half-truths and outright lies. He knew it as he was speaking, and Republicans members of knew it. With each piece of demagoguery about the Republican agenda you could sense the room temperature rising. It finally hit boiling with Rep. , Senator and others calling him for his lies regarding Social Security. Biden seemed to revel in the anger and outrage. It is exactly what he wanted.  Polling done gauging voter reactions showed independents did not like the Republican reaction. Remember in 2022, the red wave did not materialize because Republicans lost independents.

Now contrast this with another moment in his speech, when he said oil production in the United States would be phased out in 10 years. Republicans laughed at that. Biden looked uncertain and did not know how to handle the laughter. Polling showed his numbers dropping among independents with the laughter.

That is how Republicans must deal with Biden and the Democrats – with humor and laughter. True, there is nothing funny about Biden and the damage his administration is doing to the world. But getting angry and yelling about his policies won't work.

Anger turns off voters, especially independents and suburban females that Republicans need. Anger is great on Twitter and Facebook and will earn shares and retweets. But most Americans don't want anger. That is why social media usage is declining. People find it too toxic.

Remember how I said Ronald Reagan confounded his adversaries? It was with humor. Who can forget his “there you go again”? Or in the 1984 debate when he said that he would not make an issue of Walter Mondale's youth and inexperience when the media and Democrats tried to claim Reagan was too old to be president?

Humor is the key to winning the PR war and stopping the radical Biden agenda. Poking fun at the insanity of it will appeal to independents. Anger turns voters off at this point. Laughing at Biden and his fellow Democrats, making them look as ridiculous as they really are, is the key to winning the PR war and winning in 2024.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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David Johnson
David Johnson
David E. Johnson is the CEO of Strategic Vision PR Group, a public relations and public affairs agency.


  1. Well said! I admit, it’s tough to be humorous when stakes are so high, but i think you’ve got a really good point. I wonder if dems and biden will catch on when seeing so many of us holding our nose when joking about him, bc that’s the only way to get thru that!

  2. “Yet with an agenda that is too far out of the mainstream for most Americans, Biden is winning the PR war and critical independent voters.

    How is this possible?”

    Well, you talked about the media being in the tank for the Democrats – whoever they are, but you missed a big reason. It isn’t new. It was described by T.R. back in the early 20th century. The President occupies “the bully pulpit”. Biden’s handlers have figured out how to use it. Don’t let clown boy speak without a script. Give him the script you want and make him read it. Don’t deviate.

    Rather than principled stands, his positions are based upon lies and the politics of resentment.” Actually this tracks with his personality and the persona he has always worn. Go back to 1987 and watch his performance in the Clarence Thomas hearings. He was hateful then and is hateful now.

    And, by the way, those “critical independent voters” are no more critical thinkers than they were in 1987. Most of them are/were former Democrats whose move to “independence” is mostly virtue signaling.

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