Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Sean Hannity’s Support for National Divorce Idea


A highly controversial Member of appears to have won over . The host sympathized with Georgia Rep. 's idea of a “” between liberal and conservative states.

Before the interview, Hannity outlined what he liked about Greene's plan:

After receiving bipartisan condemnation, Greene received several minutes of prime-time air to explain her remarks.

Mediaite further reports:

“Most people instinctively want this to be the United States of America,” he opened before asking, “How did you get to this point?” He then listed several divisive topics like “How do you reconcile ‘defund on the police' and no bail laws with law and order? How do you reconcile secure borders and wide open borders? How do you reconcile energy independence with energy dependence and New Green Dealism? How do you reconcile peace through strength with people that want to gut our defense?”

The introduction showed the top-rated cable news host believes Greene's concept of succession has merit.

Taylor Greene appeared thankful that her host supported her idea, and noted that all of her friends are “regular Americans. Everyone I talk to is sick and tired and fed up of being bullied by the left, abused by the left, and disrespected by the left.”

She then cited the number of likes and retweets of her “national divorce” tweets to support this idea's popularity. Her initial Tweet so far has received roughly 77,000 likes, 10,000 retweets, and approximately 14,000 quote tweets, but one imagines not all of those are in support.

Though Greene explained that calling for a national divorce isn't the same as calling for violence, she shockingly implied a would be likely if things continue down this road.

“The last thing I ever want to see in America is a civil war,” she added. “No one wants that; at least everyone I know would never want that. But it's going in that direction, and we have to do something about it.”

The incendiary remarks didn't receive any pushback from the Fox News host.

Greene concluded that her national divorce represents “the kind of vision the Founding Fathers had for America.” In reality, the Constitution's framers desperately wanted to avoid the deep divisions and bloody civil wars that incapacitated England in the century before the American Revolution.

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


  1. Divorce the left? Okay, I can see that. But why should the majority of decent, patriotic, conservative Americans give up ANY of their land to a bunch of communists, Marxists, socialists, and any other America-hating vermin?
    Round up their worthless a$$es and throw them clear out of not just our country, but the entire western hemisphere!
    Those are the divorce terms that need to happen.

    • I agree totally, Paul. They don’t get to take any of our land, especially not the coasts. If they hate it here so much, they need to leave. Many of us would gladly take the money going to windmills and vaccine research and buy every lib a one-way ticket to any place they choose.

  2. I am not a fan of Sean Hannity, and do not watch his show. But if the story above is accurate, there is nothing shocking about the interview. The country is so divided, we are indeed headed in the direction of a Civil War. Acknowledging that fact is in no way an endorsement for a war or for splitting the country in two.

    Ideally, we will learn to tolerate each other’s differences of opinions and learn to get along, but when a President calls half the country fascists or claims they are a threat to democracy, it’s hard to envision any unity in the near future. I am not placing all the blame on Biden, but if the President of ALL the people shows open disdain for HALF the people, unity is impossible to achieve.

    The author may consider my remarks incendiary. In reality, they are simply factual matters we must all come to terms with.

    • I understand what you’re saying, Jack, but how can we possibly “tolerate” the difference between allowing all babies the chance to live versus allowing their murder; or between controlled border vs no border; or between freedom of speech and not freedom of speech; or gun rights for all citizens vs no gun rights except for govt entities. The divide is too sharp and too existential.

      And the libs refusal to be serious about creating a real system of truly transparent elections or even discussing it… well, how can we possibly “learn to get along” with that?

      I definitely do not want a civil war either. That would be light-years worse than any previous war. Brother against brother, father against son.. no distinguishing marks to know friend from foe.. it’d cause a dystopian world and near immediate social collapse that could easily take generations to correct.

      I’m for Paul’s solution (above). Revoke citizenship and ship them all the hell out.

  3. You can not divide by state. Because in some states the controlling numbers are dictated by a couple of city populations. But the biggest percent of area is of a different political affiliation.

  4. At first I thought it was a great idea…and have even thought earlier that states should just act independently…but in reality…it’s not without problems…eg. shutting down pipeline…we are definitely a stronger and better country as the “United States” but with such a rogue government… and corruption at this point…SOMETHING needs to happen…I just keep holding on to the hope that things will turn around….but things seem to continue down a destructive path….the inmates seem to be running the asylum…but then I guess that’s just my opinion…..and so in here lies the problem…I just don’t understand the thinking of the other side….and I’ve really tried….more crime, higher prices, immigration totally out if control, on the brink of world war, not energy independent, education a mess, bending over for every minority and all this woke crap….anyway, you’ve heard it all before. We need a white knight in shining armor to the rescue….but I’m sure that will be dubbed as “racist”…..and p.s. I AM putting all of the blame on Biden and his minions….and anybody that voted for him….

  5. The divide is so intense, i do not see how we can resolve these things either. What i cannot understand is if someone dispises this country so much, why in the world do they stay here??

    Remember the bumper sticker of 1970s?
    “America… Love it, or leave it”

    I hated that one when i was a young hippie, but now it’s my fav.

  6. As horrid as the idea of another civil war seems, it does seem as if a severe ideological divide (red states vs. blue states) has taken root in our land. The suggestion of a ‘divorce’ may be a Gedankenexperiment, a Socratic goad to action, or a genuine proposal. I intend to wait and see. But I do not foresee a favorable turnout for the blue states, who will have to disengage from the US Constitution which they see as a flawed, worn-out and irrelevant old document. Therein lies their seed of destruction: in dethroning God as our keeper they will empower a tyranny exactly like the ones our Founding Fathers sought to banish forever.

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