Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Democrats Turn To Michelle Obama For Deliverance. Their Prayers Won’t Be Answered


Democrats are in full panic. An AP/NORC poll showed that 80% of Americans do not want to seek reelection. Sixty percent of his own party would prefer that he not run again. These numbers are worse than Jimmy Carter's in 1979 when Democrats clamored for Ted Kennedy to save them from defeat (remember how that turned out). These numbers mean Joe is basically unelectable.

Democrats are looking around at other options. Kamala Harris is in worse political shape than Biden and is viewed by Democrats, Republicans and independents as not being competent enough to be president (although that hasn't always been a disqualifier). has been auditioning for months and despite a fawning claiming he is a moderate is going nowhere. The East train derailment was one mishap too many for Pete Buttigieg. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and J.B. Pritzker are seen as nonstarters. So desperate are Democrats that the hapless trio of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Al Gore are being bandied out. (RELATED: Watch: Kamala Harris Booed At March Madness Appearance)

All of this has led Democratic leaders to think it's time to break the glass and make the emergency call to . That's right, in their desperation, Democrats see Michelle Obama as their savior. They see the Obama administration as the second coming of FDR and JFK combined (only politically woke). And she and her friends in the media seem to be heeding the call.

First have been the stream of endless stories of how she would be the dream candidate and unbeatable. She has been hitting both Republicans and Biden without naming them. Just the other day, she claimed the Obama White House was scandal free (not just taking at but Joe Biden and his Hunter scandal). She has refused to say if she will endorse Biden for reelection (this must surely pain Biden after his undying loyalty as her husband's vice president).

So, is she the dream candidate Democrats believe? Hardly.

Barak Obama campaigned in 2008 as a candidate for the future who would take America forward. Recall he said he wanted to be a transformative president as Ronald Reagan was and not another Bill Clinton who just presided. Michelle's argument would be for turning the clock back, not forward, and Americans don't want that. The track record of candidates who wanted to go back is one of defeat. And any Republican besides Donald Trump could then run as the change candidate.

While the Obama name is gold with Democrats, it isn't the same with other voters. His legacy is mixed. His political endorsement and campaigning don't carry the weight it once did (just ask Stacey Abrams in Georgia, Terry McAuliffe in Virginia or Mandela Barnes in Wisconsin).

Voters are tired of legacy candidates. The voter apathy towards the Bush and Clinton dynasties also goes for the Obamas. Americans don't want a shadow president which is what many Democrats say Barack would be.

Obama was wrong on every foreign policy issue during his time in the White House and those mistakes are now coming home to roost from Russia to to Iran. The world is more dangerous because of the Obama presidency and there is nothing to show that Barack or Michelle have learned from their mistakes. (RELATED: DeSantis And Trump Are Right – And Wrong – About Ukraine)

Hispanic voters are trending away dramatically from the Democrats. , which Barack carried twice, is now lost due to Hispanics switching their affiliation. The same is happening in other states. Among Hispanic voters, the Obamas are not popular and are seen as the epitome of ‘wokeness', which Hispanics oppose. Not only would this hurt Michelle, but down-ballot Democrats as well.

In 1980, Ted Kennedy was seen as the dream candidate who would save the Democratic Party from Jimmy Carter and sure defeat. Kennedy was the perfect candidate until he announced. That is the issue with all dream candidates, they seem perfect until they announce, and Michelle Obama is no exception.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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David Johnson
David Johnson
David E. Johnson is the CEO of Strategic Vision PR Group, a public relations and public affairs agency.

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