Wednesday, May 15, 2024

2023 Poll Shows Alarming Disregard For Individual Rights By Democrats


A new NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll released Wednesday shows an “alarming disregard by Democrats for the ,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear said.

The poll, conducted May 15-18, 2023, revealed that “88 percent of Democrats think reining in is more important than protecting

…while 67 percent of Republicans say protecting gun rights is more important,” according to a report in The Hill.

“This is a stunning revelation,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “While we have always advocated for safer communities and have supported citizen initiatives aimed at locking up criminals, it is appalling that such an overwhelming percentage of Democrats are so willing to throw the Second Amendment under a bus to achieve some false sense of security.”

More than 25 years ago, Gottlieb championed both “Three Strikes” and “Hard Time for Armed ” initiatives, which received massive public support in Washington State and then became popular nationwide.

“The idea of putting violent, repeat offenders in prison has always made more sense than penalizing law-abiding citizens who only want to exercise their constitutional rights,” he observed. “The notion that you are somehow going to discourage criminals by disarming their intended victims isn't just foolish, it's downright crazy.

“Constitutional rights are not something you vote on,” Gottlieb continued, “nor do you casually give them up in hopes of creating some Utopian fantasy. If criminals know people do not have the means to fight back, they will exploit the situation. That's why we fight so hard, day after day, to protect the right that makes it possible for us to protect our families, homes and communities.”

Gottlieb said he is equally disappointed that many Independents and even some poll respondents were also willing to prioritize controlling crime over protecting individual rights.

“The right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in our Bill of Rights and most state constitutions for a reason,” Gottlieb noted. “If we don't protect all of our rights vigorously, pretty soon we will end up with none of them.”

Find the original article in its entirety at Ammoland.

Alan Gottlieb


  1. From the party that voted against freeing the slaves and then created the KKK, still the same.

    • and this party also still own the blacks,although the Dems wont openly call them slaves, the left still uses them politically like toilet paper,and has them STILL doing the “Dem Slave Masters” dirty work{riots,burning cities}.

  2. Throw OUT the 2nd Amendment and there goes your “sense of Safety” . . . Let’s PROTECT ourselves from BOTH the CRIMINALS and COMMUNISTS. Protect the 2nd Amendment.

  3. If the bad guys were put away for a good long time the first time they used a gun in a crime this whole debate would be moot. But the libs attack the guns not the criminals and they just can’t overcome that mindset. Good people with guns keep crime down. It is just that simple.


  5. Let’s compare the number of deaths and their cause: How many deaths by automobiles? More in a day than by any other means – shootings, fires, any other means you are wont to mention. Since automobiles cause so many deaths LET’S BAN AUTOMOBILES. Look at how many lives we’d save IF we banned automobiles. Why ban a means of transportation that almost everyone uses? Stops killing people. BUT we need that transportation to get from one place to another. People won’t ban what’s necessary for THEIR CONVENIENCE, and travel, from one place to another is VERY convenient. When a airplane crashes, how many people come out alive and how many are killed? Have they banned air travel? No, the Transportation Safety Board investigates WHY the plane crashed and life goes on, the same with automobile deaths, life goes on. Speeding is prohibited, driving erratically is prohibited, yet those two things still occur and we still drive automobiles and fly in airplanes. What causes death by firearms? Personal behavior. Stop erratic behavior and you stop killings; good luck with that. More people are killed with knives than by firearms, yet we don’t put a ban on knives, do we!! My rant carries some weight, for those who really think and have an open mind but to those mind’s are like cement, thoroughly mixed and set,they come unglued. Have a nice day everyone. That’s an order ha ha ha ha

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