Friday, May 10, 2024

Parental Rights Group Vilified By Progressive Media, Advocacy Group


is, as we're told, a far-right group. This must be true because the famously unbiased American press and media are telling us this. Like at the Daily Dot, headlined, “Dirty Delete: Moms group weaponizes parental rage to push its far-right agenda.”

Do you see the way this goes? Parents are upset, and it's the far-right that capitalizes on this? Instead of the more accurate description of Moms for Liberty being the parents who are upset?   

“Moms for Liberty channeled anger about restrictions to become a right-wing political juggernaut,” according to the article. “The far-right group was founded in late 2020 by current and former school board members in who were pissed off about masks and vaccines for kids.”

There's a trick here: Anyone opposing the standard woke and progressive views gets described as “far-right.” How could anyone who doesn't subscribe to woke and progressive views be anything other than far-right? In the minds of those progressives, this is definitional. Those who oppose the plans are, by definition, evil, and “far-right” is that very definition. 

This led to the Southern Poverty Law Center naming Moms for Liberty as a hate organization just recently. Because they're not woke, they must be a hate group, right? This then allows media like to call Moms for Liberty far-right, because the said so.   

We've pointed this out before about the SPLC. Anyone who doesn't sign up for the SPLC's ideas gets described as a hate group, as part of that “far-right.” They even do it to medical groups. The basic calculation is not woke = hater.

This is convenient to the progressive media, of course. There's this well-known and accepted group, that SPLC, allowing them to call everyone they disagree with a hate group, which is the very function of the SPLC itself. It's a fount, generator, of propagandistic names.

Moms for Liberty may be correct, and they may be wrong. That's for each of us to decide for ourselves. But they undoubtedly are a group unhappy with how the woke and progressives are taking . So, the woke and progressive will call them a far-right hate group simply because the SPLC is already set up as the generator of that sort of propaganda.  

This article originally appeared in Accuracy in Media. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.


  1. Adults don’t listen to commie lunatics. There’s no such thing as a progressive on the left. They’re all regressive.

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