Sunday, May 19, 2024

China’s Failing Economy May Spark War With US Soon


ANALYSIS – There is plenty of evidence that communist under is marching steadily toward war. Some experts and military leaders have given a timeline of conflict over occurring sometime during the next two to three years.

There is an argument that says China will soon surpass the in economic power (GDP) and that China's rise to global supremacy is unstoppable.

Others argue that China is peaking as a superpower before beginning a rapid population decline during the next 20-30 years.

The latter group, including the authors of the insightful book, “Danger Zone,” warn that this peak time in the next several years before its coming decline will be the time of maximum danger for war.

But what if China's is in far worse shape than many believe? And is on the verge of a collapse?

This could push Xi into a war even sooner than expected. (RELATED: Biden's Obsolete Policy Fails Besieged Ally)

Gordon Chang, a respected China expert and the author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” believes this is increasingly likely.

Chang argues in The Hill that China's current economic woes are not cyclical; they are structural and getting worse.

He writes: “The Chinese economy, despite the robust-looking figure, is in the early stages of failure. In a failing China, the Communist Party's leadership will undoubtedly fall back on nationalism — and could end up starting a war.”

And China's target would likely be Taiwan (and, therefore, the U.S.). (RELATED: Devastating US War With China Over Taiwan Coming Soon – But When?)

From record-high youth unemployment to rapidly slowing growth and a massive debt-to-GDP ratio (including ‘hidden debt'), China's economy may be a house of cards.

Chang adds:

China is coming apart at the seams, so President Xi Jinping, with few economic solutions to adopt, will eventually come to the realization he has only two choices. He can let economic forces take their course and bring down the Chinese political system, which has depended on delivering prosperity as the primary basis of its legitimacy, or he can whip up xenophobia and nationalism by triggering a conflict with the United States or other victims.

Even now, Xi can't stop talking about war, turning to the subject at every opportunity. At the annual meeting of the National People's in March, for instance, he repeated his now-favorite slogan: “Dare to fight.”

Xi's message has quickly filtered down through the ranks. In the following month, the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army, after completing provocative air and sea exercises around Taiwan, announced it was “ready to fight.”

…This is more than just rhetoric. China's leader is engaging in a total-society mobilization for war. A conflict is something he has long been planning for.

Chang notes that Charles Burton of the Ottawa-based Macdonald-Laurier Institute recently told him that Xi “is seen inside the country as fully responsible for economic and other problems. His sole recourse is to start an international crisis to rally China's population behind him.” (RELATED: Biden, In A Panic Over China, Secretly Sent CIA Director To Beijing)

This analysis is even more reason the Pentagon, Congress and the need to forge ahead at crisis speed to prepare. War with China may be coming sooner than we think.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.


Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. If Xi doesn’t make his move before his brain-dead puppet is removed from office, his opportunity may be gone.

    Desperate men know no bounds.

  2. War with China may be coming sooner than we think.” Ya think? Want more scary? Many former Flag Officers (Generals NOT of “Milky” Millie’s ilk) proffered that in a conventional ground war with China, America would LOSE! That, BTW, was before China became joined at the hip with Russia and others.

    America’s military WOKE leadership has not been engaged in preparing our personnel for “War Fighting.” Additionally, Joltin’ demented Joe Biden has depleted our military’s supply of munitions and equipment. That supply cannot be replenished overnight, think YEARS! Incompetent Joe has already informed our enemies of our munitions shortfall.

    We won WWII, fighting on two fronts against two different enemies, because we could OUTPRODUCE the World with our ‘home grown’ manufacturing. Sadly, that is no longer the case, after moving our manufacturing base into foreign countries, and primarily into China, our most significant enemy!

    As was often said in my military days, “STAND BY, It Can And Will Only Get Worse!”

  3. Our enemies are well aware of our capabilities. Unfortunately, those capabilities are not what they used to be. This administration seems to think that men in skirts and lipstick will scare our enemies into retreat, but it will come down to who has the better fighting force. Right now, it’s questionable whether we could win a war against a single small nation. W certainly cannot withstand the combined forces of China and Russia as we once could do, We’ve taken our eye off the ball and allowed China to surpass us, and it’s only a matter of time before China will make its move to prove that very point.

  4. I have an English student in an online class who is a junior high school student, who is convinced China will go to war against the US soon, and is worried about it. I have another student whose business in China has dropped to about 25% of what it was during the pandemic, and his perception is that the US import duties are causing China significant damage. So, this rings true to me.

  5. The red horse of war is the first of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, absolutely WAR is coming on many fronts!

  6. Yes, Mr. Crespo. I have heard for decades now: whenever war breaks out, follow the money. Somebody somewhere profits from the cataclysm of activity that results in human misery and death

  7. The CCP, Wall Street, The US ☭hamber Of ☭ommerce and ☭orporate Ameri☭a bribed ☭ongress to write the laws that made it legal to screw over America and allow the greatest transfer of jobs, wealth and intellectual property in modern history to an avowed enemy, Communist China, making them the threat they are today!

    ☭ongress and ☭orporate America are the real enemy!

  8. Why bother their Buying up farm land and will start to control congress more..
    Fake wars? They would be goat headers if our own treasonous did not support them.The war should be against CCP not supporting UN war against Russia.

  9. What do communist do? they would be goat hearders if not for treasonous types.
    Communists threaten and?? But no laws against treason? What politticians are held to be accountable for actions??

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