Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Biden Hijacks Law Meant To Help New Moms To Promote Abortion


A federal law written to help new mothers transition back to work is being misused by the administration to force employers to support .

In response, U.S. Senator , M.D. (R-La.), ranking member of the Senate , , Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, is calling out the for defying the language of the bipartisan (PWFA) to force employers to accommodate abortion.

Cassidy was the lead cosponsor of PWFA, which “allowed access to reasonable workplace accommodations for pregnant workers or those affected with medical conditions related to childbirth.”

But under a new rule, employers must consider abortion a “medical condition” caused by pregnancy.

“Despite no allowance present in the legislation, the Biden administration regulation attempts to categorize abortion as a ‘related medical condition' with the intention to afford legal protections in the workplace under the law,” Cassidy reports.

That defies the clear language and intent of the law.

“The legislation originally passed with overwhelmingly bipartisan support with the intent that abortion would not be included,” Cassidy notes.

“The Biden administration has gone rogue. These regulations completely disregard legislative intent and attempt to rewrite the law by regulation,” said Cassidy.

“The Biden administration has to enforce the law as passed by , not how they wish it was passed. The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act is aimed at assisting pregnant mothers who remain in the workforce by choice or necessity as they bring their child to term and recover after childbirth. The decision to disregard the legislative process to inject a political abortion agenda is illegal and deeply concerning,” said Cassidy.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.


  1. So sick of Biden and his sick mind. Impeachment for this unmoral unclass trash! Republicans better get impeachment going or a recall or voted out of office will began.

    • RH – nah, they don’t ‘abuse’ laws, they redefine them or reinterpret them to suit their particular ‘needs’ ie to attain and retain power. I guess technically we are saying the same thing but they don’t look at it that way. That’s why they claim the Constitution is a ‘living document’ subject to ‘modern’ interpretation. If that were true it would allow them to make it say whatever they want instead of meaning what it says in plain language that anyone can understand.

  2. He wants to stomp on 2a rights to save children yea right then promotes abortion to kill children. Ok that sounds like something out of hell

  3. We need to find out just who these people are that are calling the shots and using Biden as their front man. We all know it’s not Joe because he’s so senile anymore that he hardly knows his name without being told. Those handlers are a real danger to this country so they need to be found out and eliminated, just as we need to purge all left wing democrats from our government in next years election while we still have a chance to stop them from destroying our republic and putting their version of a socialist government in it’s place. With them in complete control of course.

  4. If the administration is not going to adhere to the las as written then the best recourse is to repeal it. The Marxists rely upon the electorate being stupid. Perhaps we are for this to still be continuing. Many impeachments are in order.

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