Friday, May 10, 2024

General Milley Stoops To Trump Lows With ‘Wannabe Dictator’ Jab


ANALYSIS – General Milley's comments were beneath him, even if Trump provoked him. As I wrote about earlier, former President made typically inappropriate remarks when he implied outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , due to his back-channel calls to China's top general, deserved the ‘DEATH' penalty for treason (all caps were in Trump's post on Truth Social).

While no one should take Trump's bombastic social posts too seriously, I did say Trump was wrong to add fuel to an already flammable political environment in our country with his comments. I have also criticized Milley for his many overreactions to Trump's words and deeds during his time in office.

In doing so, Milley made Trump out to be something he wasn't, placed himself smack in the middle of the Democrat Party narrative of Trump, and undermined the commander-in-chief and the presidency.

In my view Milley has also been at the very least deliberately and willfully ignorant of the extreme woke policies the has been pushing. Still, despite all my jabs at Milley, I respected his decades of service to the uniform and our country.

It's a shame then, that Milley chose to take the low road on his way out of the DC swamp, demeaning himself and the institution, while himself politicizing the military against Trump.

As the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board wrote:

Gen. Milley retired this week after four years as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “We are unique among the world's militaries,” the top military officer said at a retirement ceremony on Friday, noting that service members swear an oath to the Constitution.

“We don't take an oath to a country. We don't take an oath to a tribe. We don't take an oath to a religion. We don't take an oath to a king, or a queen, or a tyrant or a dictator. And we don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator.”

Readers will catch the parting shot at Mr. Trump. The media certainly did. And who could blame Gen. Milley for loathing Mr. Trump? Casually floating the idea of harming a U.S. military officer is conduct unworthy of a wannabe Commander in Chief.

Yet it was still dispiriting to hear Gen. Milley's remarks about a former President, in public, while wearing the uniform of the U.S. Army. Mr. Trump is the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination. Like it or not, he commands political support in the country. That doubtless includes a large chunk of the enlisted ranks of the military services. The end-of-tour catharsis of a swipe at Mr. Trump isn't worth polarizing the force over .

I agree wholeheartedly with the Journal. Milley knows better, and with his bitter and snarky jabs at Trump chose to take the low road rather than the high road on his way out. 

Despite my great misgivings about the truly woke new Joint Chiefs Chairman, Air Force General C.Q. Brown, I also concur with the Journal's parting words: “We hope that turning down the temperature of politics in the is a priority for the new chairman—perhaps behind only the military threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party.”

Message to Brown: We need an apolitical military leadership no matter the provocations from any political leader. That also means being non-ideological and non-woke. 

It's a shame Milley couldn't see that while he was chairman, and also couldn't just leave gracefully.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. Gen. Mark Milley in his retirement speech took the opportunity to slam President Trump for accusing him of Treason. He stated very clearly that as a military officer we take an oath to the Constitution of the United States and not to a man. In this he is correct, but to equate that to President Trump is wrong. President Trump was Commander in Chief and as such is above Milley in the chain of command. If the president had given him an unconstitutional order, he would be correct not to obey. But President Trump did no such thing. The Chinese government is not our friend and is working diligently to undermine and destroy this nation. Milley decided under his own recognizance to pledge to the Communist Chinese that the United States would not attack China and he (Milley) would warn them if Trump did. He did not seek authority from President Trump and did not inform him of what he had done. THAT CAN BE TREASON! At the least it is undermining the President of the United States. The penalty is death or not less than 5 years (with a $10,000 fine).
    Here is a scenario: Unbeknownst to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, but known to the President and his close advisors, China is about to launch an attack on Alaska. The President orders our military to stand by and if a missile is launched from China to retaliate immediately, Milley finds out about the order and calls his counterpart to warn of the retaliation. Is this a temperature question, or a security question?

  2. I am a veteran and I think that GEN MILLEY IS A WOKE CREEP WHO CALLED CHINESE COUNTER PART WAS TREASON!! I HOPE THE NEXT GENERAL WILL FIX AND OR MAKE AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN!! Stop undermining our military and train them so they can come home safe and health!!

    • As am I and I truly believe that Milley violated the oath we all took to protect and defend the constitution against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic as he became a domestic political terrorist and his monies should be pulled.

      • “The Oath” says “all enemies,foreign,and domestic”, and Milley is the perfect example of a domestic enemy of our Constitutional Republic. “Off with his head”{Monty Python quote}

  3. What whiteragemilley did, was dispicable for a general to do.Grow the fk up.Both act like grade schoolers.A traitor is a traitor.

  4. Milley Vanilli is a total disgrace to the uniform that he wears and a complete and total disgrace to the country that he supposedly serves. He’s an unmitigated hypocritical traitor to his country and to his oath that he took to protect and serve. At the very least he should face life in Leavenworth and preferably he should face a firing squad.

  5. I being a retired CMSgt of the USAF I found GEN. Milley’s calling his Conter Part in China APALLING and believe it to be Treason. If there was an actual act of WAR declared against China and Weapons deployed, would GEN Milley have taken the same action and called China? I believe he would have!

  6. “former President Donald Trump made typically inappropriate remarks”
    Crespo the ignorant fool with severe TDS. Comparing what Trump, who loves America, to what milley said, who hates America, is nothing but real stupid jaundiced urinalism!!!!!!!!! To h e ll with you you evil fool!

  7. Trump is SPOT ON. I am a Veteran, Retired from My Marine corps. I am disgusted by the left’s attempt to turn America communist. Civil war is looming.

    • You may very well be correct, a civil war is coming to this country, and it will destroy us and our United States of America could cease to exist. Having been associated with the military since I was drafted in 1951. I retired from the Army in 1977 and I can honestly say that Milley is one of the worse military leaders I have seen these last 70 years. He has not lived up to the oath of office we swore to defend when we received our commission. He no doubt was one of those that obama appointed after he fired all the real military leaders and replaced them with politicians in uniform. obama and his anti-America army is still trying to damage this country, and sadly they seem to be getting closer to accomplishing that mission.

  8. Milley has a chest full of medals. I wonder if the Democrats will give him the Silver Donkey Award for his service during the 2020 Trump Campaign and the Bronze WOKE Star for his efforts in weakening the military by encouraging girly men manning battle stations at all levels and encouraging sex change benefits at government expense. The stars on his shoulders should be replaced with flies.

    • Miley has a charge account at the local Military Surplus Store where he gets all the newly available medals. Why earn them when you can just buy them?

  9. Paul Crespo YOU are hate filled disturbed creep. Why don’t you move to China since you seem to side with them against President Trump. Trump tells it like it is not like the biased commie as yourself

  10. I am a Combat Veteran who has two Purple Hearts and numerous citations and medals for valor. General Miley was a terrible commander and not a leader for our military. Thousands have died, been wounded or killed directly due to his inability to lead! He really needs to be Court Marshaled!

  11. Sir you did commit treason when you contacted a hostile entity with privileged information behind the back of your commander in chief. I’m a little old fashioned and I think that you should have faced a firing squad.

    • As I recall President Trump’s comments, I believe that he noted there was a time in American history where General Milley would be subject to capital punishment given his actions. I felt the same way when those events occurred. I believe General George Washington would have had the gallows built that afternoon for similar offense.

  12. Milley is part of the deep state that despised President Trump who pledged to fight the deep state. The deep state retaliated by stealing an election and putting Biden in the White House. Milley is not woke, he is a traitor. He believes, like all other deep staters that elected leaders can be disregarded. After all, they are only there for four years while the deep state is forever. Wake up America–their next theft will be the Country.

  13. Why is this stupid article being sent around again, this writer, crespo is nothing but an ignorant fool with severe TDS!


    But part of the military code of conduct is obeying your commanding officer, and in particular, the Commander-in-Chief. Instead, Milley’s allegiance was to the CCP. Miller is the “wannabes dictator” in my book.

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