Sunday, May 5, 2024

Educators Admit Ignoring State’s Critical Race Theory Law


An undercover investigation by Accuracy in revealed five school administrators in admitted to ignoring the state's CRT ban.

To skirt the law and undermine the will of the Iowa Legislature, school officials have relabeled lessons.

And their admissions were all caught on camera:

The Daily Caller's Chrissy Clark further reports:

Anthony Ferguson, the executive director for equity, inclusion and diversity at West Des Moines Community Schools told that administrators work around the state's critical race theory ban by relabeling “critical race theory.”

“I think we can do a lot of this work without the label and just do the work, right,” Ferguson said. “I don't have to call it critical race theory to know what we're doing.”

Ferguson said that West Des Moines Community Schools implemented an “equity tool” that allows all literature, “even math,” to be taught through an equity lens.

Ryan Williamson, the equity and inclusion coordinator at Urbandale Community School District, similarly told Accuracy in Media that the state's ban “hasn't affected us at all.”

West Des Moines and Urbandale are among the top 25 largest school districts in the Hawkeye State, with 9,351 and 4,288 students, respectively.

At one point in the video, Williamson goes so far as to endorse the idea that social studies classes should teach that “systemic racism is inherent in capitalism.”

Waukee Community School District, home to another 12,000 students in the Des Moines metro area, “just adopted inquirED, which has a foundation in social justice standards,” according to the district's director of student equity, Lindsay Law.

Law told Accuracy in Media that the district replaced politically charged words like “privilege” with benign-sounding alternatives, like “circumstance.”

Waukee is one of the fastest-growing districts in the state.

Meanwhile, Accuracy in Media recorded another school official in suburban Des Moines mocking parents who opposed critical race theory in schools.

Speaking to The Daily Caller, Accuracy in Media President called the public school system “broken,” adding, “Critical race theory bans are a poor band aid on a massive wound. The only remedy is school choice. These administrators are lifers. They aren't going anywhere. They don't care what the school board tells them. They don't care what politicians tell them.”

ALN Staff
ALN Staff
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  1. This seems to boil down to, “a rose by any other name.” These guys think just be changing its name (which in itself is about as Marxist as you can get) they are not breaking the law. Like bank robbery renamed to, taking out a loan, or receiving a contribution to my cause. Only nothing about this will smell as sweet as a rose. This stinks to high heaven and how these guys can escape whatever punishment is prescribed for this crime, I can’t imagine. But I remember how America used to be. Not what these kind of people have made it now.

  2. ….and that is the reason these misfit need to be cancelled, immediately.
    No big meetings, discussions etc., BOOM, your fired, period. You misfits want to ignore the laws of your state? Let’s see what the consequences have in store for you.

    • Unless the people where these schools operate demand action and have those lawbreakers dismissed they will continue to do so. Most public schools and universities around this country, for many years now, are led by left wing liberals, so they hire the same type people as teachers. Those type “educators”, along with the same type politicians, all need purged from our governments as well as the schools.

  3. We have no such law in CT, but our superintendent pulls the same BIG LIE here by repeatedly saying the Guilford schools don’t teach CRT. He thinks the residents are too dumb to catch on to the subterfuge. It is a typical verbal sleight of hand used around the country and probably taught in left-wing education tools. The argument is that Critical Race Theory is taught in law schools (where it first emerged) or in academia, not in K-12. In K-12, they teach the tenets of CRT, but they don’t label it as such. They use all kinds of euphemisms and refer to it generally as “the work.” In other words, educating the poor benighted masses. This what you might expect from education majors from one of the academically least challenging disciplines, beating out only victim studies for intellectual rigor. Doctorates in Education are handed out like lollipops. You take the unchallenging courses, you get the degree. My brother was in the doctoral program in history at U. Of Iowa, but had to revert to Social Studies Ed because his grades were not good enough. His wife got her EdD after successfully submitting a dissertation that involved giving out surveys to a few hundred junior high boys about their musical tastes and wrote up the results. This is what passes for an EdD.
    In Guilford, superintendent Paul Freeman studied school management like most of his occupational group. He has no experience or training in racial matters, history of race, etc, yet presumes to lead a community of 16,000 on such matters. Following the George Floyd incident and an isolated “black face” incident before a high school football game (which was quickly quelled before the game) , he purchased 300 copies of Ibram Kendi’s racist (in an anti-white sense) polemic “How to be an Anti-Racist” for all faculty as well as copies of Robin D’Angelo’s “White Fragility.” The clueless woke school board gave him a 4.25% raise and extended his contract. It a case of a bind Shepard leading a bunch of blind sheep who want to signal their virtue. The call him “Dr. Freeman” as if he were an expert on everything he wants to spout off on.

    The phenomenon is akin to what Thomas Sowell captures in his book “The Vision of the Annointed”, Irving Janis in his book “Groupthink,” or Christopher Booker is his updating of the latter in “Group Think.”

    The irony is that these dimwitted educators think they know more than the adults in their community and say “leave the education to us experts.” They need to constantly monitored and challenged. They, and the teachers unions, are driving us toward school vouchers if they are going to politicize public education in this manner.

  4. We all have understand that Education schools are among the most radical on their college campuses. This where the Marxists gravitate to change the minds of young people and, in the process, transform the country.

  5. These people are presenting themselves as educators above the law because there is no penalty for breaking this law. How about pulling their teaching certificates for being people of ill repute. They are admitting they broke this law by deceit and cunning. This makes them cohorts conspiring to break the law. Not of good moral character.

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