Sunday, May 12, 2024

We Already Know the Left’s 2024 Playbook – Here’s What Republicans Must Do


The 2024 election must be a referendum on and his failed policies. The Democrats fear this. They know that despite the mainstream (which should be considered a Democratic super PAC) pumping up Biden, as a legislative magician and the second coming of Winston Churchill on the world stage, his presidency has been a failure.  Rather than another Churchill, LBJ or FDR as the media portrays him, he most closely resembles James Buchanan, who presided over the start of the Civil War.

So, without a real record, what will Democrats do? We know the Democratic playbook by heart. The mean and cruel Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare (they have been running on that since the 1960s). Republicans want to take away a woman's freedom (). Republicans are weak on foreign policy. Republicans want to overthrow our government (January 6). And, of course, Republicans are racist (Democrats have been saying this since 1964).

If 2022 was any example, Republicans will play defense against the Democratic attacks and media distortions. The result will be a Biden victory and Democrats back in control of both chambers of .

What do Republicans need to do? They need to go on the offense and hold Joe Biden and the fringe he represents responsible and answerable for their policies.

When Democrats trot out the abortion issue and that the Republicans want to take away a woman's freedom, Republicans need to fight back with what Democrats really want and are advocating. At the State of the Union, Democrats wore lapel pins saying they loved abortion. Most Americans, even those who support some abortion rights don't love abortion, but Joe Biden and today's Democrats do. Republicans must hit Biden on this. But even more extreme is the Democratic view that abortion should be available right until the moment of birth. Remember when former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam said, “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” Most Americans were outraged. Most Democrats agreed with Northam. Republicans need to remind voters that this is what Democrats are seeking – abortion to the time of birth. Have commercials showing what the Democratic idea of abortion really is. Most Americans would be sickened by it.

The weak on foreign policy charge? Remind voters of Afghanistan and 13 brave men and women who lost their lives because Joe Biden wanted all forces out of Afghanistan for a photo op on 9/11. Let's remind Americans of Joe Biden's photo op that he got of cheering Taliban and him looking at watch as the coffins of our fallen soldiers were returned home. Armies are not pulled in the way Biden pulled out of Afghanistan unless they are defeated. Biden sent a message to our adversaries that America was defeated under his watch and , China and Iran did not wait to press the advantage. Americans need to be reminded of this.

January 6, 2021, was worse than 9/11, Biden claimed. It was the second coming of the Civil War. Again, Republicans must challenge Biden's narrative. Put on the air survivors of the Twin Towers and Pentagon who can remind people what 9/11 really was, and January 6th was far from it.

Since 1964 Democrats have been claiming Republicans are racist. Republicans must rebut this forcibly and use Joe Biden as exhibit A. Biden has a long record of being racially intolerant and insensitive. This needs to be highlighted. Republicans have outstanding leaders of all ethnicities, and they must be highlighted and used to display the Democrats' own racism.

Joe Biden seems to forget that he has advocated cutting Social Security and Medicare in the past. When he brings up the lie that it is Republicans who want to do it, he needs to be called out.

Republicans far too often play defense because of fear that the media will call them mean. They are going to do this no matter what Republicans do, so rather than play nice, let's play by the Democrats' own tactics and win in 2024. Let's have our closing argument be once again – are you better off now than you were four years ago? Do you think America is more respected now than it was four years ago? After reminding voters of the real Biden record and agenda, the answer will be a resounding no.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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David Johnson
David Johnson
David E. Johnson is the CEO of Strategic Vision PR Group, a public relations and public affairs agency.


  1. There’s something very wrong with a country that would leave a couple of totally corrupt and inept losers like Biden and Harris in charge for a full four years. Let alone even think about giving them another four years.

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