Friday, May 10, 2024

US Attorney Investigating Hunter Biden Now A Special Counsel, DOJ Confirms


The Trump-appointed U.S. attorney investigating has received “special counsel” status from Attorney General .

Garland announced the news Friday afternoon, which gives the case's senior prosecutor greater power to investigate than a typical U.S. attorney.

CNN explains:

Garland's order appointing Weiss said he is authorized to “conduct the ongoing investigation … as well as any matters that arose from that investigation or may arise” as the probe continues.

A senior Justice Department official said Weiss will write a report, which the attorney general is expected to publicly release when the probe is over. This has been the common practice of special counsels in recent years, like Robert Mueller and John Durham.

Weiss made a request to be elevated to a special counsel on Tuesday.

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ALN Staff
ALN Staff
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  1. Does anyone really expect this to be a fair, thorough, unbiased investigation? Whenever Garland is involved, you can expect the utmost bias.

  2. More road blocks and cover for traitor Joe and his selling out America to enrich himself/family to those
    who hate America. Corrupt DOJ, FBI, Democrat party, RINO’S and Obama’s deep-state are above the law, while laughing all the way to the bank with their ill gotten loot. Americans no longer have a representative government in our nation’s capitol,
    what we have is a group of political party people enriching themselves at the expense of the hardworking American tax payers. We are just where our founding fathers were at with King George , taxation without representation. Wake up America !!!

  3. That should allow a well earned delay; lovely hunter bring let off the hook to well after the reelection of poor beleagered FJB and his campaign to continue ripping this nation to shreds

  4. Let James Comer & Jim Johnson be the ones to investigate, they already have the goods on Hunter, enough to put him & his father Joe away!

  5. I hate to be the one to tell you but US Attorneys CANNOT be special counsels….That is against the law …..they are trying to get hunter off again. this week he had been charged with having a weapon as a drug user….They overturned that law by saying the second amendment allows him to have a weapon…….

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