If there is one thing you can count on from the Biden administration it is that they will never take accountability.
During an appearance with “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Americans' excessive spending is to blame for sky-high inflation.
On Wednesday, the host asked Yellen to explain to his audience how inflation got out of hand when “two years ago everything seemed fine.”
“So we had a rapid recovery from the pandemic,” she said, arguing Biden's policies brought unemployment down from 7% to 3.7%.
“It turned out the pandemic had very special impacts on the economy. Remember, everybody stopped spending on services,” she pointed out, as businesses were shut down. Instead, people spent more money on “grills,” “technology” and office equipment as they were working from home.
“They were in their homes for a year or more, they wanted to buy grills and office furniture, they were working from home, they suddenly started splurging on goods, buying technology,” she claimed, which led to supply chain “bottlenecks.”
Later in the appearance, Yellen also said the ongoing war in Ukraine is a contributing factor to inflation.
Yellen conveniently left out the Administration's choice to pass numerous multi-trillion-dollar spending bills.
Yellen is not the first Biden cabinet member to pin inflation on hardworking Americans, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain experienced harsh pushback for suggesting rising costs and supply chain issues were a “high-class problem.”
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Yellen is one of the most creative liars in the history of American Politics.
I swear, we have nothing but idiots in Washington DC.
how can the commie democrat pedophile racist woke cult party find soooooo many incompetent donkey holes to put in an administration, the commie democrats have out done themselves on being complete incompetent donkey holes
Why won’t these “America deniers” go on a show where they will be challenged? OK, I know, dumb question!
yellen is an idiot. i guess having to buy high price gas and food because of the democrooks idiotic policies is splurging. maybe we should quit eating and going to work so inflation will come down. what idiotic morons running this country- geez!! give me a break!!!lbj
She is as delusional as Biden. Our economy is a disaster because of Biden. He shut down businesses, schools, people lost jobs. The govt pumped money into the economy, causing inflation. People had no more to spend than before. The Biden spending bills wreaked havoc with their useless purposes and then there is Ukraine laundering US tax dollars back to the US.
But all you fools who left Dems in place are now going to se what you voted for – lies. The rest of us have to pay.
46, it really is extremely simple, it’s called dominion and stupid people just let it keep happening, make’s you think they are all in on this.
One must wonder if they are keeping “10 for the big guy,” in the money being sent to Ukraine!
The two causes of inflation:
•The dollar has been drastically devalued due to excessively high government spending. Inflation is the loss of purchasing power per dollar. When I was a boy back in the 50-60s I could buy 20 full size candy bars for $1.00 or 0.05 cent a piece. Today you cannot even buy 1 candy bar for a dollar.
•The second cause for inflation is the high cost of energy due to the government’s damaging energy policies and regulations. The price of all goods and services are directly tied to and affected by the cost of energy. The higher the cost of electricity, crude oil, gas, diesel, heating oil, jet fuel, natural gas, and propane the higher cost of all goods and services. In the recent past we had far lower utility bills, gas prices, airfare, transportation costs, shipping costs, food costs, and general goods and services costs because the government’s policies and regulations did not prohibit and impede the production of coal, oil, and natural gas. The Obama administration destroyed the coal industry and now the Biden administration is in the process of destroying the oil and natural gas industries. In their campaign speeches Obama promised to put the coal companies and coal electric generation plants out of business and Biden promised to put the oil companies out of business. Obama did and Biden is trying and the American people are suffering as a result.
The only two people I can think of who are dumber and more devious than Janet Yellen are Powell and Biden. We watch Rome burn and there is not one person that I know that can do anything about it, although they could if they had the backbone. The people pay trillions of $ in taxes to a government to protect citizens and all have failed us. Every function of our government is complicit in the destruction over the past two years of our way of life. It must stop! Anyone out there listening? The compensation of every federal employee and elected official should be stopped until this insanity is stopped! Or maybe there should be a mass refusal to pay taxes.
I am a federal government retiree. I worked for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs as a provider of health care to our veteran population for 26+ years. Please don’t lump government employees that serve our veteran population into the same boat as these flotsam & jetsam a-holes. I am a conservative who loves & honors the constitution & am appalled at the Biden administration just as I was the Clinton administration.
You left out VP Karamella! You have to mention Karamella!
dc is overrun with snakes and liars!! just pure ignorance in this little lady and her boss!!!
Yellen, I bet you spend way more than us Americans with our tax payers money! UFNAB!!!!! JUST LIKE ALWAYS BLAME THE AMERICAN PPL!
This woman needs to be removed for total incompetence,she is as ignorant, and stupid, as hidenbiden. There isn’t one position in this administration, that has a competent person running it, this is an embarrassment, of all time.U know why they have the moniker of a donkey, because they have proven to be a bunch of jackasses.
Congress just passed legislation to prevent train unions from going on strike after months of the FJB Administration negotiating to concede to union workers whatever they wanted. FJB lied about a “deal” reached up to the mid-terms elections. Then he shrugs his shoulders & demanded Congress legislate & fix his problem.
Buttegig will come out of this looking like a big time heavyweight Democrat & savior of the nation rather than the incompetent ****** he is.
I haven’t seen the vote counts, but I assume most Republicans voted Democrat because FJB would be upset if a strike occurred. And I bet the Union heads have a real sweet, special deal paid for by taxpayers.
Welcome to Amerika! This will get far worse before it ever gets better. 🤯🤯🤯
She might be right, msm and 81 million voters must have wanted this, right?
I think that was “81 minion voters” and thousands of mules.
And this from an idiot why openly says that her two heroes are Mother Theresa and Chairman Mao.
Jeebus, what an idiot…..
any time a democrat opens their mouth another lie comes out it seems impossible for them to tell the truth
She is as incompetent as they come. It’s appropriate that the Biden handlers hired her to run the Treasury Dept. Couldn’t foresee inflation after Biden & Congress over spent $6 trillion we didn’t have. I truly hope she keeps getting the vax & boosters.
Mr Biden owns this economy.
Biden has surrounded himself with like-minded people. (No complement intended) As a consequence, they look competent to him, or at least as competent as he.
personally, I resent Ms Yellen insulted us with a ‘splurge” for an explanation. She had better be smarter and more savvy than that.
Oh sure. The American consumer is to blame for inflation, not the trillions of dollars Bozo Biden and his corrupt lackeys have spent and stolen from the American tax payer in the past two years.
Yellen is just another fruitcake Biden and the Demonrats threw at the American people to demonize them. If people really want to end the insanity in our WH they need to remember these nuts when they vote and vote them out.
The scarier thing to me is the number of citizens that suck up her BS like a booger off a table, people have lost the ability to think for themselves.
Why is inflation so high…because Biden is a dumbass politician……if you do not think Biden is the root of the problem then you are as dumbass as he is……Get a clue…Republican tax payers are tired of bailing out give me free shit demorat voters…..