Saturday, May 4, 2024

Teacher to Remain Jailed Through Christmas After Not Using Student’s Preferred Pronouns


A school teacher in is facing Christmas behind bars. His original ? Refusing to use one of his student's preferred pronouns.

Enoch Burke received his sentence after disobeying a court order to stay away and not teach at the secondary school where he remains employed.

Burke pleaded with the court to use its discretion to release him for Christmas. Appealing to Justice Conor Dignam, the embattled teacher said he wasn't “a thief, a murderer or a drug dealer” and was instead being prosecuted for his religious objections to lifestyles. The judge disagreed, citing Burke's failure to atone for his contempt of court and comply with “a valid court order.”

Ireland's RTÉ News has more:

Despite his refusal to comply with the order, Mr Burke can secure his release at any point by coming before the court and purging his contempt.

The judge's ruling promoted an angry response from Mr Burke's parents Sean and Martina Burke, who were present in court with two of their other children, strongly criticised the judge and the judiciary over the jailing of their son.

Sean Burke said the court's refusal to release his son from prison was “unbelievable,” adding that son was not a criminal.

He said that he had brought his son up to have strong Christian values, and the objections to “transgenderism” are in the bible, “from the book of Genesis to Revelations” Mr Burke Snr added.

Burke's mother claimed the court had infringed on her son's constitutional right to freedom of expression. Do you agree? As always, tell us in the comments below!

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


  1. The teacher is right you can cut it off or sew it up take hormones all you want but you are still a man and still a woman no matter what you do since when do you put people in jail for following the teachings of God and the Bible you’re asking him to denounce the Lord and his religious beliefs over a pronoun this is wrong Free Him

    • I hope this man takes this school & school board to court and all the way up to the highest court in Ireland. He should be given a payout for international shaming, all back pay, court costs and a settlement of more than $1,000,000! We have to continue to go by our own principals and support each other. This cruelty is so unnecessary and revenge filled, very hard to believe (though I definitely do). Prayers for this man and his family thru this Christmas and beyond. God give the family strength & walk this path with Jesus.

    • A piece of bread is just a piece of bread too no matter how much you pray over or say magic words to it. But there are schools where, if you say this simple truth, you will be fired. There is no right to teach in any school. Or, if there is, tell me where it is to be found in the Constitution.

      • The God haters are trying to remove the Bible and Jesus from public and and private mind. But the wicked left will permanently removed from the earth. Especially the lgbtq beasts.

      • How very fascist of you. How ignorant of our constitution.

        Our constitution is about negative rights, what the government cannot do, you seem to confuse positive rights, socialist and communist false promises, with actual rights.

        You have a right to due process, to be treated fairly and equally, both of which the teacher did not get.

      • 8t is true that if you teach in a Catholic school and teach anti-Cathoilc dogma you will be fired. But those are private schools that get to set their own teaching standards. In the US, public schools are an entirely different matter. However, this didn’t take place here, and I won’t pretend to know all the ins and outs of Irish law.

    • Permanently puss oozing, infected ax wound between the legs and colostrum bags until the you die a miserable death. Then eternity in everlasting flames for you rejected soul.

    • Ireland. The nation rejected the truth of the gospel when the stupid wicked Irish government banned Pastor Anderson from entering into the nation to simply preach the gospel and getting souls saved.

    • I’d rather suffer government persecution in prison which can’t last. Than go to the eternal flames that every sodomite and tyrannical government official is doomed to burn in with no rest day and night for eternity. I’m especially talking dunces like Biden. Enjoy the fire Joe! It’s for eternity fool.

  2. Dear Lord,

    Bless this man, give him comfort, strength and courage knowing that He is following your teaching.

  3. 30 years ago Irish American United States Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan D-NY predicted these kind of social changes in his brilliant essay ” Defining Deviancy Down ” It will only get worse as deviancy becomes the norm and common sense bigotry.

  4. This world is going to hell when the 99% have to bend to the will of the SICK 1%.

    It’s time to tell the 1 percenter to go to hell!!!!!!!

    And you don’t have the right to moderate this, that’s screwing with my free speech

  5. Ridicules, this is another example of wholeness out of control. What I can’t figure out is what makes woke so attractive to some. What is right is now wrong and what is wrong is now the law? It is biblical.

  6. You can thank the American people for what is going on in the world. The socialist people are out to destroy morals, female and male identity, grooming your children for sex, dumbing down them, lies about gay being good people and Joe Biden for being the a puppet for destroying everything he touches. The democrats of America who want control, power over every one. You people are so stupid and lazy that you don’t see it. Your children have nothing but you don’t care because the government and media tell you your racist if you disagree with communism, unmoral unclass lowlife subcreatures who hate everything decent and good. Biden gives trillions to a country to help their borders but won’t do anything to close your borders. Your submission to stupidity is disgusting. Joe Biden, Harris, Pelosi stand there and laugh because most of the money they give to Ukraine is coming back to them. Wake up you fools your country is falling fast. Biden is going to close banks and steal your money. Your company you work for doesn’t care because they approve of it with their greedy hands in it too. Stupidity has become the motto of America. Illegals getting here to destroy cities and kill you. You sit there saying poor illegals. They come across the border with better clothes than you. Free everything for illegals but not American people. Biden is ready to tax you again. It’s just sickening.

      • You don’t believe it is happening here, just as “Hate communism” describes?
        The stupidity runs deep in you!

    • Largely true what you say, but it’s mostly the liberal democrats and other blinded citizens who bring this on us. We conservatives are doing everything we can to fight it all from within the law, because we know law & order is the sacred foundation for us all.. and only by staying within the law can we avoid a very real civil war. We must avoid civil war, because the devastation will completely ruin world economy for generations. No country will be able to avoid the ruinous affects of an actual American civil war.

      “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

      The good news is, of course.. we’ve read The Book and know how it ultimately ends.

    • Since you repeatedly use the term “your country,” rather than “our country,” I’m curious. Which country is yours?

      This insanity was imported from Western Europe where they were woke before we were. In some of those countries, they’ve actually recognized that they’ve gone too far and are beginning – just barely – to wake up.

  7. This travesty is part of ours upside down world and the woke so-called judge is a big part of the problem. An idiot does not belong on the bench.

  8. This is what is happening to our “Freedom of speech! What freedom will the left take away next? /It is a very sad and scary time!

    • What these loony left wingers are doing is pushing our country closer and closer to that next independence/civil war that has been talked about for a number of years now. When it comes it will destroy this country and it may well mean that the United States of America will no longer exist.

    • Ireland does not have free speech. Only in the US are you guaranteed the right to free speech, but even here that right is threatened

  9. When the government becomes the persecutor of right-thinking people and truth so they can install a lie to satisfy their own destructive lifestyles and gain power over anyone who disagrees with them, we have lost all our freedom. This is not the way America was built! There’s only one source of truth I know of and that’s God’s word. It gives us stability, freedom and blessing. There is no other source.

  10. Is the right to teach in any school to be found in the Constitution? No? Then there is no right to teach in any school. And if the requirement for teaching in a school is to use pronouns one does not like then the solution is simple: don’t teach in that school.

    • There is also no right to be stupid as written in the Constitution, but you have it in spades! Save some for the other “Wokees”!

    • Do as you are told period seems to be the fascist attitude of Q Wricken.

      But once you get the job you cannot be fired for incompetence, only for your beliefs and common sense and what used to be American values.

  11. Ireland rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ by banning Pastor Steven L Anderson from entering Ireland to only preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Looks like you’re reaping the lies of the children of Devil, Ireland!

    • Or, much worse than jail or camps, we will soon be on digital banking which means any one of us could be cut off from all buying and selling with the press of a button. That’s not fantasy. We’re quite close already.

      And imagine if the controllers threatened to do the same to anyone who helped the ones they cut off.


  12. These Trans-fools need to wear a T-shirt declaring their “Preferred Pronouns of the day”. Remember Leftists claim that you can “Change your gender” to any of the other 172 made-up “genders” at will, and all day long!

  13. Since this happened in Ireland the US constitution would not apply but a similar situation could happen in the USA

  14. Ok there are 2 things here. 1 for sure wrong. Being suspended from your job for not using someones self-defining inaccurate pronoun is WRONG. When the school filed for a restraining order the court stated that Enouch must remain away from the school. He violated this court order and was arrested. Then put in jail. So to say he was put in Jail because of not using someones stupid pronoun is a jump. Journalism in this world is dead. These headlines are click bait purposely manipulated to generate traffic, so these outlets can charge more for advertising.
    The headline should have been “Teacher placed on administrative leave for not using preferred pronoun, arrested after choosing to violate court order.”

  15. So much for once Catholic Ireland. The Irish fought England for liberty, now their own kind abolishes it. The judge is a disgrace.

  16. I agree with the teacher, never mind the transgender’s rights what about his rights. None of us should be forced to use these terms being forced upon us by the fringe, who do not conform to science or normal people. We should have the right to use whatever terms we like as long as it is not in an abusive fashion. The judge is an idiot jailing a man for using terms we have used for hundreds of years, this wokism is destroying our countries and our morality.

  17. I have No problem with LGBT Individuals.
    I do have Problem with Anyone who tries to FORCE Me to Accept LGBT Lifestyles. You can,… Be with, Sleep with, Marry,.. whaT ever,… do what U want with Whomever
    It’s your Right,.. just like my Right to not want it FORCED on Me & others. ‘

  18. For some reason UK and Ireland, and other European countries appear to be more vulnerable to socialist pressures to comply and obey blindly. Wokeness and speaking about people in pronouns is all about beloning to a clique or club and it stems from the highly intelligent in universities, who have no other talents, not in business, never held a job, and cannot find something useful to do to help Americans have better lives. The way we speak, the language we have used for Centuries, is fine, and wokeness is just a waste of time of intelligent highly educated people who don’t know what to do with themselves because they’ve lost any connection with God in their lives or have a sense of moral values. I blame liberal indoctrination for that.

  19. Unfortunately this generation have gone off the deep end. With all this far left confusion people have really lost it. Crime has gotten out of control and this country is not the super power anymore. The man who is supposed to be our president his mind is not there anymore and someone is controlling him. President Trump weather you like him or not did what no other president has done and worked for the people free of charge. Our country was finally doing so much better and look at it now, crumbling and falling apart, the world is laughing at us knowing our president is weak.

  20. I shudder with horror to think how the Land of Saints and Scholars has devolved and degenerated into a vision of woke Marxist tyranny and despair.

  21. Hmmmmm, whatever happened to the concept of “separation of church and state”
    …the court seems to have overstepped its bounds…Mr Burke should be set free and we need to stop allowing “ALL” this “Tail Wagging” of the dog by these special interest groups/classes/etc.

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