Tuesday, April 23, 2024

South Carolina Supreme Court Strikes Down Fetal Heartbeat Law


rights activists have scored a significant victory in deep red .

In a 3-2 decision, the South Carolina struck down the Palmetto State's six-week abortion ban, saying it didn't give women sufficient time to obtain an abortion and violated the right to privacy.

The ruling means that the deliberate termination of pregnancy is protected up to 20 weeks gestation under the state's Constitution.

As Fox News reports:

Writing for the majority, Justice Kaye Hearn said, “We hold that the decision to terminate a pregnancy rests upon the utmost personal and private considerations imaginable, and implicates a woman's right to privacy. While this right is not absolute and must be balanced against the State's interest in protecting unborn life, this Act, which severely limits—and in many instances completely forecloses—abortion, is an unreasonable restriction upon a woman's right to privacy, and is therefore unconstitutional.”

The heartbeat law went into effect after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its Roe v. Wade decision in June 2022, ending federal constitutional protections for abortion rights. Abortion providers in the state challenged the law and the state Supreme Court subsequently blocked it from taking effect.

Planned Parenthood South Atlantic welcomed the decision as a “monumental victory.”

“Today's ruling is a win for freedom. We are relieved that this dangerous law has been relegated to the history books and can no longer threaten patients and providers in South Carolina,” said Alexis McGill Johnson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

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ALN Staff
ALN Staff
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    • The unborn baby of a Democrat Woman is in Mortal Danger from a Cold Blooded Murder after 20 Weeks in South Carolina. Most of the Aborted Babies are Black, thus disproving that Black Lives Matter.

  1. Microscopic amoeba on Mars is considered Life? But the Heartbeat of a human baby in the womb is not! 😡 Sick Sick Society!!

  2. Abortion IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL. Women can get methods of birth control easily so why not prevent pregnancy instead of killing the unborn? There is massive shadowed industries paying millions of dollars for fetal tissue/fetal stem cells. Those body parts are your little babies torn apart in the womb making many people VERY RICH. God knows and sees all evil deeds done in darkness. All these deeds are brought into the light of God. God help us!!

  3. This shows everyone what is really wrong with the USA of today! The US “Declaration of Independence” proclaims the following:

    “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (God) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS.”

    But our judges and justices of today do not believe in Nature’s God or a Creator (God), which means if there is no God, then there are no endowed unalienable Rights of LIFE (which abortion destroys), LIBERTY or the pursuit of HAPPINESS. If no God, then no endowed unalienable Rights either! This is the basis of our “Bill of Rights” and the “US Constitution”, which without a God are irrelevant and do not exist.

    But if there is a God, and everything He declared in the Bible is true, then He inserts our soul into our body when? Scientist and doctors have declared that all LIFE begins at conception, which is when God inserts our soul into a body at the beginning of its development, and makes abortion the murder of another human being with a soul, which should be banned at every stage after conception to obey a God that these judges and justices apparently don’t believe in.

    You deny our God, then you make our three great documents of the “Declaration of Independence”, the “Bill of Rights”, and the “US Constitution” nothing but meaningless lies and irrelevant to all, and a slave to any that can overpower others, like governmental tyranny, which then requires that we should do what the first paragraph of the “Declaration of Independence” proclaims, take up arms and separate ourselves from this murderous government that does not respect or obey our Rights of LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS.

    This is what the 2nd Amendment to the “US Constitution” is for, as the “Founding Fathers” implied when they wrote it.

    • Correct! Randy131
      We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
        — The Declaration of Independence

      Notice that in this partial list of Rights that “LIFE” was listed as first, because it is the most important of ALL possible Rights.
      It is the one right from which all others spring — the right to life.

      Our Life is the most precious thing we have!

      We must also hold as truth: Without ‘LIFE’, all we consider as “Rights and Law” is meaningless.

      “The same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe — the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.
        — John F. Kennedy, in his 1961 Inaugural Address

      Why was it okay when Democrat John F. Kennedy said it, but verboten now?

  4. A baby is viable at twenty weeks. Granted there would be months in the hospital and the child could still have issues. But they have survived. I am not in favor of abortion for the strict purpose of birth control. I wish some compromise could be reached. But twenty weeks, you’re half way through the pregnancy. You should no long before that whether you want the child or not. I am also tired of hearing my body, my choice out of liberals. Kind of funny they didn’t say that when they wanted to force everyone to take the swill they call a vaccine for covid.

  5. Let this be a lesson for those that say the overturn of Roe v Wade was against “ALL” rights of women being able to get abortions. SCOTUS only said that those decisions rest with each state and there is no need for “big brother” to make such a decision for every state. Note how some states already allow abortions up to the day of birth and also allows children to be surgically changed from one sex to another.

  6. “We hold that the decision to MURDER rests upon the utmost personal and private considerations imaginable, and implicates a woman’s right to privacy. While this right TO MURDER is not absolute and must be balanced against the State’s interest in protecting unborn life, this Act, which severely limits—and in many instances completely forecloses—MURDER, is an unreasonable restriction upon a woman’s right to privacy WHEN COMMITTING MURDER, and is therefore unconstitutional.”

  7. SC Supreme Court is not too supreme. “Balancing the state’s interest in protecting the unborns life “. So an elitist decides which ones are ok to kill. As usual the evil left says stupid stuff.


    Looks like this court missed the memo that Roe v. Wade was overturned as the U.S. Supreme Court explicitly ruled that Roe’s right to an abortion based on privacy was totally made up and had no basis in law.

  9. The #1 cause of death in the United States and the world is not cancer, heart attacks, COVID, stroke, or heart disease. It’s abortion with at least 44 million deaths last year alone.

  10. The problem is no self-control regarding sex. This is an “instant gratification” society having been brainwashed by television and movies for decades. God did not intend for sex to be recreational. There are consequences in life. Flagrant disrespect for sex not only causes unwanted pregnancy but a multitude of diseases. When you abuse the body, the body has a built in punishment. Your body should be your temple and treated with the utmost respect.

  11. Sad to say but this evil cabal from the devil has been going on for centuries. Nothing new under the sun because in the old Roman days these same people under control of who they worship was giving their babies to Baal, That was their God and now we have the same thing going on in our states because it’s all a woman’s right and her freedom and privacy.? Give me a break, what I want to ask, is why don’t they abstain from sex especially out of wedlock? Good question right? That too is an sinful play on these so called rights for a woman. And how many men are sitting on the side lines saying Great for me, cause I have no responsibilities now. Yep, The devil is in the details and I got a big hunch God is going to do some real renovation soon. For He is not mocked and pretty tired of seeing the innocent being destroyed.

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