Danielle Fishel, the beloved actress known for her iconic role as Topanga Lawrence on the '90s hit sitcom “Boy Meets World,” has recently shared some personal health news. On Monday's episode of her podcast, “Pod Meets World,” Fishel, 43, revealed that she has been diagnosed with an early form of breast cancer known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).
DCIS is a noninvasive breast cancer that is considered stage 0. Fishel emphasized that her cancer was detected at an extremely early stage, which offers a very positive prognosis. “I was recently diagnosed with DCIS, which stands for ductal carcinoma in situ, which is a form of breast cancer,” Fishel shared. “It's very, very, very early. It's technically stage zero…They found it so, so, so early that I'm going to be fine.”
Fishel used her platform to encourage others to prioritize their health and take preventative measures. “I want to share this because I hope that it will encourage anyone to get in there for a mammogram. If it's time for your appointment, if you've never had an appointment before, get in there. If you have to find out that you have cancer, find out when it's at stage 0, if possible,” she urged.
The actress is planning to have surgery to remove the cancer, according to Variety:
“I've had to make a lot of decisions over the last couple of days,” she said before adding that at first she only planned on telling her immediate family and friends but no one else. She thought she'd prefer to “suffer in silence” and “suck it up,” only telling others after she'd beat it. Fishel changed her mind after reading material from author Glennon Doyle, who argues that women need to help others in the beginning or during the “messy middle” of a battle as opposed to waiting until they're out of the experience.
Fishel caught the DCIS so early because she made her annual mammogram appointment the day she received the reminder text that it was time to do so.
Her diagnosis serves as an important reminder of the importance of early detection in the fight against breast cancer.
She said she's meeting with multiple doctors, including oncologists, radiation specialists and hormone therapists to plan the next steps, but reassured the listeners that she's going to be fine. She said she knows this could affect her upcoming work; most recently, Fishel directed three epsidoes of NBC's “Lopez vs. Lopez.”
Co-hosts Rider Strong and Will Friedle, who starred in “Boy Meets World” with Fishel, were two of the first people she told after her family.
“We love you, and you know that we've got you. Whatever you need, we're here,” Friedle responded. “You are going to be fine, and you might have some sucky days coming up, but we're here for you.”
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