Sunday, May 5, 2024

Late-Stage Abortion Enshrined as Constitutional Rights in These 3 States


Voters in and joined Californians Tuesday to add as a right enshrined in their constitutions, marking a resounding defeat for pro-lifers.

“Personal reproductive autonomy” was the specific language used in Vermont's Article 22 measure. More than three-quarters of voters in Vermont decided abortion “is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one's own life course and shall not be denied or infringed unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means.” The east coast state already lacked the restrictions present in other states, including waiting periods, mandated parental involvement and limitations on publicly funded abortions.

Alongside the reelection of Democrat Governor , Michigan voters determined that “every individual has a fundamental right to reproductive freedom.” Efforts to add Proposal 3 to the ballot were spearheaded by the group Reproductive Freedom for All, according to Bridge Michigan. The coalition raised more than $40.2 million and spent at least $22.5 million on ads, the outlet reported.

State laws regulating abortion are next to be challenged with Michigan judges likely to consider parental consent for minors and informed consent requirements. Currently, women must receive counseling and adhere to a 24-hour waiting period before having an abortion.

already boasts some of the nation's most extreme abortion laws and will now see abortion protected as a constitutional right after yesterday's vote. Proposition 1 passed with at least 65% voter support as of Wednesday morning tallies. Democrats earlier refused to address the question of whether or not a majority vote for Prop 1 would allow for abortion past the point of viability (generally considered 23 to 24 weeks), leaving critics to suggest the measure's language is vague at best.

More than half of voters likewise rejected a measure that sought to amend the state constitution to state that abortion is not an explicit right. The Kentucky Supreme Court is due to hear arguments challenging the state's abortion ban.

Tuesday's defeat does not signal the end of the battle for pro-lifers but a more intense battleground on which to fight. Enshrining abortion as a state constitutional right could lead to further expansion of abortion in these states. Laws restricting when or in what circumstances abortions may be performed will likely next fall into the crosshairs of abortion activists.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Alyssa Blakemore
Alyssa Blakemore
Alyssa is a military spouse and mom to two. She holds a Masters in Global Studies and International Relations from Northeastern University and currently sidelines as a contributor for the Daily Caller. Previously, she volunteered as a commissioning editor for E-International Relations where she commissioned and edited pieces from scholars on topics relating to international security. Her interests include reading and writing on foreign relations, U.S. culture and politics and the ongoing war on police.


  1. Enshrined the murder of innocents they did. What about the personal autonomy of the child? “Choice” ends at conception, actually when coitus occurs.

  2. Seems to me that the vast majority of Americans could live comfortably with laws permitting abortion up to viability (say ~20wks), and in cases of rape, incest, risk to the mother, or fetal abnormality. Why we only hear about the far R and far L positions is beyond me. Let’s find common ground, folks!

      • I can work with 12 to 15 weeks, i don’t think we Republicans should push this so hard, now late term when we know a child can live without the natural mother. I feel if you do an abortion that late, it is killing and why? Again and why that late. I think the left is going so far for votes, i cant see that many people being OK with late abortion.

  3. …far from being a defeat…this is wonderful news. Now…the states that want to limit or stop abortions will do so, and save hundreds of thousands of baby’s lives. The states that want to butcher babies will do so, and their states will become like those areas of the ghetto where prostitutes, drug dealers and the homeless gather. They will become the abortion ghettos of the country, and they will become known as locations of evil, death and genocide for babies. They will grow their economy…(for a bit)…using abortion tourism…but five or ten years down the road they will be known as people who only care about killing babies. It will no longer be…”lets go to New York and see Niagara Falls”…as much as it will be…”New York rips babies arms and legs off, crushing their skulls and selling their body parts”. That’s really a winning tourism slogan…eh? That is what they will be known for….and they will live in infamy. It is sad that so many babies will die during this period, but at some point…those who live in these areas will begin to be embarrassed and feel guilty. Pro-life people should spend millions advertising these decadent states and their cruelty to children. There should be roaming Video Trucks in those states, broadcasting the sounds and sight of babies being torn limb-form-limb, and annual reports made of the amount of money made off abortion tourism. They should highlight the sociopathic nature of these states, and ask everyone who opposes the butchering of babies to boycott those states, and the businesses that thrive on the deaths of babies. It will take another couple of decades…but at some point these “let’s kill the babies” states will be shown to be the psychopathic places that the world abhors and then their laws will change. No decent person would advocate for killing babies up until the date of their birth, and it will be easier to focus the rage of humanity onto these fiefdoms of deaths. Crush the abortionists. Crush the Globalists.

  4. Disgusting. You CANNOT be any sort of Christian and be for abortion. Which is murder. Spin it however you want to make yourself feel better. IT IS MURDER OF A SENTIENT BEING!!

    • Spot on! No matter how you call it, it is the destruction of a human life. I can’t even think long about it. Now the left wants to murder, yes murder a full term baby!

  5. This is why the SCOTUS sent abortion laws to be determined by the states. See snowflakes, democracy didn’t end and it works when you let it.

    • Because they are purposefully programmed to not think of them as anything other than a thing. And an unwanted thing at that.

  6. The election showed that 75% of women voted to keep abortion legal. Now who says that women are saints?! They are even worse then men when it comes to children!!

  7. Here in Michigan. Michigan is nothing but unmoral unclass lowlife pigs. They gave in to murder, they gave away their voting rights to Soros and voting in a governor again who killed seniors, destroyed businesses. Detroit made a middle of night ballot drop to make sure the democrats won. Corruption, murder, no freedoms. Way to go people in Michigan. You have to be the most unamerican uneducated fools that America has ever seen. You make me sick. To all women who murder their babies you have no humanity. You nothing but whores that can’t control your body for sex. Your not women your lowlife subcreatures.

  8. Except, along its path, that human life transitions from a clump of cells to a fetus to a viable human being. In that last stage, despite how much she may try to downplay it, a pregnant woman cannot ignore that HER life is not the only one being affected. And, please, spare me the false and ignorant claims that abortion is about healthcare. Healthcare applies ONLY to maintaining one’s health. Not to elective procedures that maintain one’s lifestyle. If a pregnancy becomes life-threatening to the mother then, yes, abortion is (sadly) appropriate. Aborting a viable human life because it’s INCONVENIENT, however, is a gruesome act of selfishness. THAT is science.

  9. Let’s settle a few facts here. A fetus, after a relatively short period of time in the womb, has:
    It’s own beating heart
    It’s own DNA
    Its’ own blood and blood type
    Its own brain and brain waves                                                                   
    At this point the only difference between the baby in the womb and outside the womb is how oxygen is supplied, primarily to the brain and liver. Most people are unaware that blood flows in an opposite direction while the baby is still in the womb. This Is because oxygen is supplied by the mother via the placentia and umbilical cord. Once the umbilical cord is cut the baby must get oxygen from it’s own lungs. In it’s first few seconds after the cord is cut the baby must expand it’s lungs and begin getting oxygen on it’s own from air entering it’s lungs. In those few brief moments three orfices within the heart close and blood begins flowing in the opposite direction because oxygen is now supplied from a different source. Under normal circumstances those three openings heal shut in a short period of time.
    At that point the only difference between the baby in the womb and the baby outide the womb is it’s source of oxygen. Everything else, the heart, DNA, blood and blood type, and the brain and brain waves, remain the same. Remove oxygen from the baby, either before or after passage through the birth canal, you kill it, period.

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