Former Pennsylvania congressman and 2022 Republican gubernatorial hopeful Lou Barletta fashioned himself as a diehard supporter of ex-President Donald Trump for years.
Barletta was one of the first members of Congress to endorse Trump's 2016 presidential campaign at a time when many of his conservative colleagues considered Trump unpalatable to most voters.
Now, he's officially done with the former president. Recalling their relationship, Barletta told POLITICO, “I was one of his most loyal supporters in Congress. But loyalty was only a one-way street.”
As POLITICO reports:
Barletta may have personal reasons for ditching Trump. The former president endorsed his opponent in the GOP primary for governor in May. But his sentiments reflect a broader reckoning happening after Republicans underperformed expectations across the country in November.
Having lost high-stakes, expensive races for the Senate, House and governor, there has been a wave of finger-pointing and second-guessing across the party.
In Pennsylvania, several potential candidates are rumored to be thinking about challenging the current state GOP chair, Lawrence Tabas, whose term is up in 2025. And Republicans there are questioning everything from their disdainful approach to mail voting; to whether the state party should have endorsed candidates in the primary; to, yes, Trump himself.
Even the current state party chair acknowledged things need to change after this year's disappointing elections.
“As a party, we will need to take a critical look at the way we approach endorsements and mail-in ballots going forward and, as always, I'll look for input from elected party leaders,” Tabas said. “I am not a top-down, backroom-deal leader, and I'm never going to be.”
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Get used to it America. The evil that has overtaken our country will corrupt or bribe many like Barletta to speak out against Trump and MAGA. They are deathly afraid of another Trump administration.
If he runs again in 2024 we very well may lose–legitimately this time. We can’t withstand four more years with another Dem in the Whitehouse. We need to get behind DeSantis.
DeSantis may be a very nice guy, but he is in the hands of the satanic One World Government jerks like the Bushes, Cheneys, Bidens, McConnells whose wife is tied to the Chinese Communist Party financially, Ryan’s, McCarthy’s, Portman, Kasuck, Collins, Marcowski, Soros,etc and probably doesn’t even realize it how deep he is.
Total BS you bot POS
Complete lies
Sorry, DeSantis is not yet ready for Prime Time!!! Four more years of Trump as President is exactly what our country needs…especially if the Dems are stupid enough to run Biden again. We will be lucky to have a country by the time 2024 rolls around!!!!
Which just shows how stupid you really are. This country has been lost for 32 years now and, if Trump isn’t allowed to run De santis will be the only option and they will steal the election from him just as they stole it from Trump. Your country doesn’t exist anymore and you and i have no power. Wake up and smell the tyranny.
Yes, if Desantis is to win the nomination instead of Trump we will loose again even if they don’t cheat like they did last time. Trump is the only guy who can win for the American people. I vote for Trump
There’s a big difference between being disillusioned with Trump (me too) and being a Never Trumper. I saw nothing in the story to put Barletta in the latter category. His experience with Trump’s fickleness coincides with my observations. Trump did wonderful things as president, but his ego is a tumor, a malignant one.
Why shouldn’t he have much pride in what was accomplished? Who did it better? I guess you’re another fair-weather friend. Get lost.
And you seriously would vote for another 4 years of Biden over Trump?? Time to have a reality check and think back to how well our county was running before the Biden disaster was put on us!!!!
Another BS bot.
Why do they keep saying they under performed? The dems cheated again PERIOD. Fetterman and Hobbs, no way.
That would be dems, and rinos. Like McConnell not supporting our candidates, but instead buying Mirkowski’s seat who votes dem for Mitch
McConnells wife has ties to the Chinese Communist Party through her investment portfolio in China. He should be impeached.
Exactly. The Democrats stole it
First off, anything from pro-Swamp Politico is going to be heavily spun anti-Trump as much as possible. Second, President Trump realizes that many original “supporters’ were simply riding Candidate DJT’s coattails while not truly 100% supporting MAGA policies. Corruption and graft among the GOPe is extensive and PDJT knows it.
As a long-time Trump supporter, I’m also ready to Dump Trump. I liked his policies but can’t stand the man himself. It’s time to move on.
Like him or not, he gave us the best 4 years we have had. He is very aware, and has called situations way ahead, like Germany and the Russia pipeline, Biden and Ukraine etc. He was exposing the corruption, and preparing to drain the swamp but was stopped by a phony election caused by dems, and rinos who all had dirty hands and do not want their playground torn down. That is why they are pushing De Santis, they are trying to use him to save their tyrannical control over the people, trying to sour them on Trump. He is the only one that will fix anything, and he has proven to be a man of his word to the people.
Then move on. Another fair weather “friend”. Who needs you and your ilk. Good luck with anybody that doesn’t have the testicular fortitude of DJT.
Maybe he should take his liberal left wing socialist Marxist-orientation with him to the Dems that he worships so much helping Fetterwoman as he called himself to get elected Senator. Trump wants to Drain the Swamp and didn’t realize he had smelly swamp muck working against him like this Soros liver.
Obviously another liberal left wing socialist Marxist RINO who is showing his true colors. Trump wanted to cleanse the swamp, but there were too many like this creature who are like Judas Iscariot in the Bible. They only used Trump and now are abusing him. God sees and will bring judgement upon them either in this life or when he sends them into the Lake of Fire
Loyalty is a one way street with Trump. Who can blame the man who was thrown under the bus. That does not make him a RINO.
Bravo 1 less RINO around
I guess this site doesn’t believe in freedom of expression. I posted twice and nothing is shown. Trump stood for freedom and integrity. This site stands for Soros-style Liberal left wing socialist Marxism
Is it something in the PA water?
It surely is with the smelly swamp gas even among their so-called Republicans like Barletta. Ask true Republicans what he was like when he disagreed with them at the local level…George Soros liver and financier of him
Per the quote at the beginning of the comments section, “all comments are reviewed and subject to moderation.” This is clearly a website engaged in political censorship. Post what you like, but don’t cross the censors.
Trump will not win in 2024. Anyone voting for him in the primaries are voting for the democrats to win. With Ballots on Demand everyone who does not vote will have their ballot printed and it will be a vote for a Democrat. That is how they did it in 2020 and that is why so many ballots were pulled from suitcases. They brought them from other locations to make it look better. Yes, I watched it be planned and executed.
The 2022 “voters” elected 2 DEAD Democrat politicians & a severe stroke victim who can’t effectively communicate. Republican candidates got almost 6 million more votes than Democrat candidates. And it was only enough to get a very small majority in the House &, unless there’s a miracle in Georgia, no tie in the Senate. Both leaders for Republicans in either House are not America First. They talk the good talk, but fold to Democrats every ******* time.
The indoctrinated younger generations voted overwhelmingly Democrat. They HATE America. They love communism & a one party system. They’re fine with out-of-control inflation & sitting in the folks’ basement getting paid by the government to do nothing.
Can we change their mind by 2024? Can we cancel mail-in voting by 2024 & wrestle control of state elections from Democrats?
IMHAO, it won’t matter who the Republican is in 2024 without some big changes in the younger voting generations.