Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tag: Opinion

Biden Treasury Secretary Hammered Before US Senate On Scheme To Spy On Trump Supporters

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was caught flat-footed in an explosive United States Senate hearing when she was asked to explain a Biden administration program...

Poll Finds Socialist Squad Member Embroiled In Scandal May Be Heading For Epic Defeat

A new poll finds one of the most outspoken socialist Democrats in Congress may be headed for a blowout defeat, in her own party’s...

Biden Makes History With New Approval Rating Poll

Now, three years into his presidency, Joe Biden’s approval rating is making history. But not in the way Biden had hoped. “During President Joe Biden’s third...

Why Is Joe Biden Sending Money To This Controversial Global Organization?

Not even six months after the worst terrorist attack on civilians since 9/11, Joe Biden is resuming the payment of U.S. taxpayer funds to...

FBI Reacts To Covert Plot To Spy On Christians

U.S. senators are calling out FBI Director Christopher Wray over revelations that a scheme to spy on Catholic churches, arguing they could host terrorism,...

Whistleblowers Claim CIA Sabotaged COVID-19 Probe

A group of United States senators are demanding the Central Intelligence Agency turn over documents and information that could prove allegations by agency whistleblowers...

US Senators React To President Biden’s Security Decision

A United States senator is hammering President Joe Biden for shutting down commercial ports along the U.S. border with Mexico, allegedly costing American farmers,...

San Francisco Sued Over Gender Scheme Targeting Minority Men

A group of San Francisco taxpayers are suing their city government over a scheme to use taxpayer funds to encourage Black and Latino men...

Jury Awards Over $200,000 To Man Arrested For Facebook Joke

A federal jury has awarded over $205,000 in damages to a Louisiana man arrested on terrorism charges for making a zombie joke on Facebook. On...

Lawsuit Filed Over Classified Documents Found At Chinese-Funded Biden Think Tank

A new federal lawsuit may uncover new details on a trove of classified documents found in Joe Biden’s office at the “Penn Biden Center,”...

Cruz Hammers Biden Administration For Letting Illegal Aliens Board Flights With Fake IDs

Calling out the blatant double standard, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is now demanding the Biden administration is letting illegal aliens evade federal photo...

Why Are There 270 Illegal Communist Chinese Marijuana Farms In This US State And What Are They Planning?

Members of Congress want the Biden administration to explain how Communist Chinese companies were able to allegedly set up over 270 illegal marijuana farms...

Biden Climate Envoy Colluded With Foreign Groups To Weaken US Security

Congressional investigators have uncovered more evidence the Biden White House and its “climate envoy,” former U.S. Senator John Kerry, covertly worked with foreign organizations...

Biden Falling Into Deeper Poll Hole As Support For Democrat Party Drops To Record Low

Amid crippling inflation, rising crime and doubts about the incumbent president’s fitness for office, a new Gallup poll finds the percentage of Americans who...

