Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Harsh Reality Of Protectionist Policies Being Ignored By Both Parties

Both of the major party presidential nominees are on record in favor of tariffs. While the reasons for such trade barriers run the gamut...

Washington’s Ruling Class Professes Its Love For Protectionism To (Almost) Everyone’s Detriment

It’s no secret that our current political class is in love with trade protectionism, regardless of the costs such policies have to American consumers. But...

The Antiquated Law That Deserves To Be Scuttled

When inflation was running high a year or so ago, there was a lot of discussion of specific ways government could help bring down...

Biden Draws Bipartisan Cheers for Undermining US Economy

That most politicians have only a passing familiarity with economics, it’s understandable that a lifelong pol like President Joe Biden wouldn’t know competition unless...

