How to Decipher ‘Fedspeak’

Financial markets pay a great deal of attention to what Federal Reserve Bank presidents have to say about the broader economy. The reason is simple: “Fedspeak” can offer clues about where the Federal Reserve may be heading on interest rates and other regulatory matters. What should we make, then of remarks of Richmond Fed President […]

See the Weapons Ukrainian Special Forces Are Taking Into Battle

The war in Ukraine is nearly one-half year old. Heavy Russian losses on the outskirts of Kyiv and in the strategically vital Donbas have left Moscow short of its goals and with some 80,000 casualties. Integral to Ukraine’s success, the Ukrainian Army has defied expectations at nearly every turn, with the country’s special operations forces […]

EXCLUSIVE: America and Its Borders Are Worth Fighting For

In 2019 I said that if Joe Biden became president, we would lose the border. After spending nearly 35 years enforcing immigration law on the border and the interior, I knew that, based on the promises he was making during the campaign, millions of foreign nationals would flood our border and they have. In its […]

Judge Unseals Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant – Trump Under Criminal Investigation

A federal magistrate judge in Florida has unsealed the Mar-a-Lago search warrant. Former President Donald Trump is under criminal investigation for potential obstruction of justice and Espionage Act violations. The decision to unseal the warrant follows the Justice Department’s request that it be made public. Former President Trump and his lawyers agreed that the FBI’s […]

The Inconvenient Truth About Tax Holidays and Magnanimous Politicians

A number of states are about to “celebrate” a special occasion: so-called tax holidays, which politicians tell their respective voters are great times to get out there and spend money and avoid sales taxes. (RELATED: Democrats Creating an IRS ‘Army’ – Larger Than Pentagon, FBI and Border Patrol Combined) Just so long as you buy […]

How China Might Actually Pull Off an Invasion of Taiwan

The logistics behind any invasion, especially an amphibious one, are daunting. Operation Overlord required dropping off the equivalent of every man, woman and child in the cities of Green Bay, Wisconsin and Wilmington, Delaware in the first 24 hours onto the beaches of Normandy across a 100 miles stretch of the notoriously choppy English Channel. […]

Iranian Government Critic, Salman Rushdie, Stabbed Onstage

Prominent Iranian critic and famous author Salman Rushdie is in an unknown condition today after a stabbing. An assailant rushed the stage from which Rushdie was about to speak and struck. Hot Air’s Allahpundit reports: This happened in the United States, at an event in Chautauqua, New York. It comes two days after the DOJ […]

Is Twitter Scrubbing Factually Correct Tweets About Hillary Clinton?

Anecdotal evidence this morning suggests that Twitter has begun suspending accounts mentioning Hillary Clinton and her myriad of scandals. A New York Post columnist found his account suspended for the following tweets: Funny, don’t remember the FBI raiding Chappaqua or Whitehaven to find the 33,000 potential classified documents Hillary Clinton deleted. And she was just […]

Iran Responds to Allegations It Tried to Assassinate Fmr White House Official

The Iranian government is firing back after the Justice Department indicted an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) military operative for plotting the assassination of former National Security Advisor John Bolton. (RELATED: Iran Revolutionary Guard Member Charged for Plotting to Kill Trump National Security Advisor) The DOJ charged Shahram Poursafi, of Tehran, with plotting Bolton’s murder […]